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Chord2Melody - Automatic Music Generation AI

Chord2Melody - Automatic Music Generation AI


demonstration1 | demonstration2



What is Chord2Melody?

It is an AI that composes music, with MIDI output.

It is based on GPT-2. You can generate music of arbitrary length, and you can also specify the chord progression to generate music.

Or they can compose a continuation of a music they've been working on.

The output music can be used as free content without any copyright or usage restrictions.

Pretrained Models

There are two models that have been trained: the "base_5tr" with 5 output tracks and the "base_17tr" with 17 tracks.

Model Name output tracks total number of parameters
(backup url)
Drums, Piano, Guitar, Bass, Strings 86167296
(backup url)
Drums, Piano, Chromatic Percussion,
Organ, Guitar, Bass, Strings, Ensemble,
Brass, Reed, Pipe, Synth Lead, Synth Pad,
Synth Effects, Ethnic, Percussive, Sound Effects


First, clone chord2melody from GitHub.

$ git clone
$ cd chord2melody

Then, download and extract the pretrained model from the link above.

$ wget
$ tar xvfj chord2melody-base_5tr.tar.bz2

Launch with specifying the model , a MIDI file is created.

$ python3 --model base_5tr

There is no limit to the length of music that can be output. The total number of bars of music to be generated is specified with the "--num_bars" option.

$ python3 --num_bars 48

Chord to Melody

To specify the chord progression, use the "--chord" option, and use the "--chordbeat" option to specify how many chords to put in a measure.

$ python3 --chord "C|C|C|C|Dm|Dm|Dm|Dm|G7|G7|G7|G7|Am|Am|Am|Am" --chordbeat 4

Chord" option, you can specify from Available Chord or "auto" connected with "|".

###Compose a continuation of a music

The program "" will automatically compose a continuation of a music you have been working on. Use the "--input" option in "" to specify the MIDI file you want to create a continuation of.

$ python3 --input halfway.mid

Specifies the fluctuation of the melody

By specifying "--top_p", you can specify the fluctuation of the song.

$ python3 --top_k 25 --top_p 0

Put one or two numbers in "--top_p". The first number is used when there's a chord progression and the second (if specified) when the chord progression is "auto".

Learning Methods

The data for training is from Lakh Pianoroll Dataset. To train, download lpd_5_full.tar.gz or [lpd-17-full.tar.gz](https://drive. and extract it.

Next, go to the train directory and run "" to create a training data file.

The "--da" option allows you to specify data augmentation by modulation. The randomly modulated data is used to increase the training data.

$ cd train
$ python3 --dataset lpd_5 --output lpd_5_dataset

Run "" with specify the type of dataset (lpd_5/lpd_7) in "--dataset" option and the encoded training data file in "--input" option.

$ python3 --dataset lpd_5 --input lpd_5_dataset

Fine Tuning

To fine-tune your own data, you must first edit the data to 5 or 17 tracks of MIDI data.

Then save the data in pypianoroll format, with the tracks in the same order as the original model.

Then you can create a training data file in and fine tune it by specifying the original trained model in the "--restore_from" field.

$ python3 --dataset lpd_5 --input lpd_5_dataset --restore_from ../base_5tr