Tanner Blair
Tanner Blair
Any updates on this? I would love to use this, but I'm less fond of signing up for an account just so I can compile it.
Oh, interesting. That could be a problem in that there could be vaccinations available that you're missing. I don't know that I'll fix it because it's still better than nothing,...
Hey @jumbohiggins, application is probably a poor choice of name for that file. You still have to set up and configure the application as shown in the examples.
This is currently killing me. We're running a suite of tests with about 5000 test cases in it, and it slows to an absolute crawl after about 2k. I'm concerned...
Sure! I am running in interactive mode, and I'm currently not creating a test suite, just adding tests to the project. There are quite a few tests that I'm reading...
Gotcha. I've been doing some digging, and I really do think the implementation of "Add Node to Tree.vi" is the culprit here. The insertion time on tree items when using...
Or if you really want to go nuts, since you aren't updating the display after every item anyways, Add Multiple Items to End right before + refresh would be awesome.
Alright, if I disable the tree control entirely I see a massive improvement in speed. That said, I think the test sorting that this ticket was actually in reference to...
Definitely agree that there are two problems to solve here. I think interactive mode is still appealing to our workflow, but I can't disagree with your assessment.
Also very interested in this. Currently having to create my own "verbose" reporting using the label, but it makes for ugly test code and more room for human error.