I'm experiencing the same. My server works over https as well and SSL is terminated at load balancer. Setup details: Node v4.3.0 PM2 v1.0.2 PMX v0.6.1 @knicefire did you happen...
@tmayr thanks, I tried calling it on the top of my index.js but didn't work. I'm using it with [parse-server](https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server).
@elai950 I ran into this and the v1.3.9 release does not contain the commit 638f38f9daf08e17b7caea22d2fcb9c0a418d1b6.
Yep the demo project works fine. The thing is there are certain view wherein I dont want the foldViewControllers to get triggered. So according when those subviews are added I...
Not on the cell. I haven't implemented any tableview. Its just that custom swipe gestures don't seem to work on any type of view, be it normal UIView or TableView....