vim-jetpack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-jetpack copied to clipboard

The lightning-fast plugin manager, alternative to vim-plug


The lightning-fast minimalist plugin manager for Vim/ Neovim. vim-jetpack is a jetpack for the most of vimmers. Unbelievably, it is faster than vimrc uses the built-in plugin manager only.


  • Lightning-fast startup
    • It optimizes the search algorithm for the runtimepath.
  • Single file plugin
    • You need to just put the single file to use this software.
  • First-class Lua support
    • This plugin is not written in Lua but we provide a lua interface.
  • Fancy UI (User Interface)
    • You can see a progress of installation with a graphical interface.
  • pack/*/start-free architecture
    • Installed plugins do not pollute your vim.
  • git-free installation
    • Optionally, you can use curl/ wget instead of git


In the simple cases, vim-jetpack is the fastest plugin manager.

We measured a startup time 10 times for each plugin managers. The following chart is the result.

Although jetpack is inferior to minpac in terms of minimum value, it has the lowest median and mean value of any plugin manager. More notably, the variance of jetpack's records is very small. vim-plug's variance is small enough, but jetpack's variance is by far the smallest. jetpack has the smallest variance, mean, and median among the six plugin managers, indicating that it is stable and always runs fast.

dein jetpack minpac packer paq plug
min 80.61 69.93 64.97 75.38 73.92 77.63
max 96.02 74.48 81.30 89.40 84.95 82.82
median 85.26 71.92 72.38 78.38 78.16 80.36
mean 86.24 71.97 72.48 80.07 78.21 80.12
variance 27.09 2.07 23.99 24.56 10.83 3.57

You can run the benchmarks in your local environment. See the benchmark directory for more detail


Download jetpack.vim and put it in the plugin/ directory.

  • Linux / macOS (shell)
    • Vim
      curl -fLo ~/.vim/pack/jetpack/opt/vim-jetpack/plugin/jetpack.vim --create-dirs
    • Neovim
      curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/jetpack/opt/vim-jetpack/plugin/jetpack.vim --create-dirs
  • Windows (cmd.exe)
    • Vim
      curl -fLo %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\pack\jetpack\opt\vim-jetpack\plugin\jetpack.vim --create-dirs
    • Neovim
      curl -fLo %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim-data\site\pack\jetpack\opt\vim-jetpack\plugin\jetpack.vim --create-dirs


vim-plug style

The most of vim-plug users can migrate to vim-jetpack by :%s/plug#/jetpack#/g and :%s/Plug/Jetpack/g.

packadd vim-jetpack
call jetpack#begin()
Jetpack 'tani/vim-jetpack', {'opt': 1} "bootstrap
Jetpack ''
Jetpack 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Jetpack 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': {-> fzf#install()} }
Jetpack 'neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'release' }
Jetpack 'neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'master', 'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile' }
Jetpack 'vlime/vlime', { 'rtp': 'vim' }
Jetpack 'dracula/vim', { 'as': 'dracula' }
Jetpack 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' }
call jetpack#end()

dein/ minpac style

packadd vim-jetpack
call jetpack#begin()
call jetpack#add('tani/vim-jetpack', {'opt': 1}) "bootstrap
call jetpack#add('')
call jetpack#add('junegunn/fzf.vim')
call jetpack#add('junegunn/fzf', { 'do': {-> fzf#install()} })
call jetpack#add('neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'release' })
call jetpack#add('neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'master', 'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile' })
call jetpack#add('vlime/vlime', { 'rtp': 'vim' })
call jetpack#add('dracula/vim', { 'as': 'dracula' })
call jetpack#add('tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' })
call jetpack#end()

packer style

vim.cmd('packadd vim-jetpack')
  use { 'tani/vim-jetpack', opt = 1 }-- bootstrap
  use ''
  use 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
  use {'junegunn/fzf', run = 'call fzf#install()' }
  use {'neoclide/coc.nvim', branch = 'release'}
  use {'neoclide/coc.nvim', branch = 'master', run = 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}
  use {'vlime/vlime', rtp = 'vim' }
  use {'dracula/vim', as = 'dracula' }
  use {'tpope/vim-fireplace', ft = 'clojure' }

paq style

vim.cmd('packadd vim-jetpack')
require('jetpack').setup {
  {'tani/vim-jetpack', opt = 1}, -- bootstrap
  {'junegunn/fzf', run = 'call fzf#install()' },
  {'neoclide/coc.nvim', branch = 'release'},
  {'neoclide/coc.nvim', branch = 'master', run = 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'},
  {'vlime/vlime', rtp = 'vim' },
  {'dracula/vim', as = 'dracula' },
  {'tpope/vim-fireplace', ft = 'clojure' },



  • jetpack#begin([path])
    • The function setups jetpack plugins. All plugin declarations should be placed after this function. You can give path if you want to use another directory to manage plugins.
  • jetpack#add(repo [, options])
    • repo is a pair of string concatenated with / such as tani/vim-jetpack. options is a dictionary. See below.
  • jetpack#sync()
    • The function performs to install, update, and bundle all plugins. The function is evenrything all you need to know. You must run this function after a change of your configuration.
  • jetpack#end()
    • The function loads declared plugins. All plugin declarations should be placed before this function.
  • jetpack#tap(name)
    • It returns a truthy value if the plugin is available, otherwise it returns a falsy value.
  • jetpack#names()
    • It returns the list of plugin names registered including unavailable plugins.
  • jetpack#get(name)
    • It returns metadata of the plugin if possible, otherwise it returns {} . This is the same as dein#get of dein.vim.

Lua Function

All jetpack# functions are exported as jetpack module. You can call them using require('jetpack') as you want. Additionaly, startup and setup functions are available.

  • setup(config)
    • This function loads plugins described in config like pack.nvim.
  • startup(config)
    • This function loads plugins described by use function like packer.nvim.

Supported Option

vim-jetpack contains all optoins of vim-plug.

name type description
commit sring Commit of the repository to use
tag sring Tag of the repository to use
branch sring Branch of the repository to use
rtp string Subdirectory that contains Vim plugin
dir string Custom directory for the plugin
as string Use different name for plugin
do / run string or func Post-update hook
on string or list Commands, keymaps, events, file types
for / ft string or list On-demand loading: File types
cmd string or list On-demand loading: Commands
event string or list On-demand loading: Events
map string or list On-demand loading: keymaps <Plug>
opt boolean On-demand loading: packadd {name}
frozen boolean Do not update


  • :Jetpack repo [, options] A command version of jetpack#add(). It is useful for the vim-plug sytle declaration of plugins in vimrc.
  • :JetpackSync
    • Synchronize configuration and state. It performs to install, update, and bundle. The shortest abbreviation is :J.


  • g:jetpack_ignore_patterns

    • The list of glob-patterns is used to skip duplicated files. Jetpack aggressively bundles plugins if you extend this list. The following example skip bunding any JSON files.
      call add(g:jetpack_ignore_patterns, '/*.json')
  • g:jetpack_copy_method

    • The default value is 'system'. Consider using 'copy' if you have some trouble to run the external commands. 'hardlink' and 'symlink' are faster than 'copy' but these are available in Neovim only.
      • 'system' Use cp/ xcopy to copy files.
      • 'copy' Use |readfile| and |writefile| to copy files.
      • 'hardlink' Use |vim.loop| to make hardlink of files.
      • 'symlink' Use |vim.loop| to make symlink of files.
  • g:jetpack_download_method

    • The default value is 'git'. Consider using 'curl' or 'wget' if 'git' is not installed in your system.
      • 'git' Use 'git' to download plugins.
      • 'curl' Use 'curl' to download plugins.
      • 'wget' Use 'wget' to download plugins.


  • User Jetpack{PluginName}Pre/ User Jetpack{PluginName}Post
    • Let {PluginName} be a CamelCase of plugin name. Code to execute when the plugin is lazily loaded on demand with User Jetpack{PluginName}Post . It is impossible to hook packadd for a lua plugin in Neovim, because Neovim does not load any files until the module is required.

      plugin-name EventName
      vim-jetpack VimJetpack
      goyo.vim GoyoVim
      vim_foo VimFoo

Autocmd Group

  • Jetpack
    • vim-jetpack's lazy loading system uses autocommands defined under the Jetpack autocmd-groups.


Install vim-jetpack if it is unavailable.

let s:jetpackfile = expand('<sfile>:p:h') .. '/pack/jetpack/opt/vim-jetpack/plugin/jetpack.vim'
let s:jetpackurl = ""
if !filereadable(s:jetpackfile)
  call system(printf('curl -fsSLo %s --create-dirs %s', s:jetpackfile, s:jetpackurl))

Is it possible to install plugins if they are not installed?

Yes, it is. We have jetpack#names() and jetpack#tap() to retrieve a list of plugin names and check the availability.

for name in jetpack#names()
  if !jetpack#tap(name)
    call jetpack#sync()

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2022 TANIGUCHI Masaya.

This software is licensed under the MIT License.