Scene-Text-Understanding copied to clipboard
OCR, Scene-Text-Understanding, Text Recognition
- [2015-PAMI] Text Detection and Recognition in Imagery: A Survey
- [2014-Front.Comput.Sci] Scene Text Detection and Recognition: Recent Advances and Future Trends
- [2020-Arxiv] Text Recognition in the Wild: A survey
Scene Text Detection
- [2019-CVPR] Arbitrary Shape Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Text Region Representation [
] - [2019-CVPR] A Multitask Network for Localization and Recognition of Text in Images(end-to-end) [
] - [2019-CVPR] AFDM: Handwriting Recognition in Low-resource Scripts using Adversarial Learning(data augmentation) [
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] CRAFT: Character Region Awareness for Text Detection [
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] Data Extraction from Charts via Single Deep Neural Network(*) [
] - [2019-CVPR] E2E-MLT - an Unconstrained End-to-End Method for Multi-Language Scene Text [
] - [2019-arXiv] FACLSTM: ConvLSTM with Focused Attention for Scene Text Recognition [
] - [2019-CVPR] Look More Than Once: An Accurate Detector for Text of Arbitrary Shapes [
] - [2019-CVPR] PSENET: Shape Robust Text Detection with Progressive Scale Expansion Network [
][tensorflow][Pytorch] - [2019-CVPR] PMTD: Pyramid Mask Text Detector [
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] Spatial Fusion GAN for Image Synthesis (word Synthesis) [[
]]( [code
] - [2019-CVPR] Scene Text Detection with Supervised Pyramid Context Network [
][keras] - [2019-arXiv] TextField: Learning A Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection [
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] Typography with Decor: Intelligent Text Style Transfer [
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] TIOU: Tightness-aware Evaluation Protocol for Scene Text Detection(new Evalution tool)[
] [code
] - [2019-arXiv] MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition [
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] Scene Text Magnifier [
] - [2018-CVPR] Pixel-Anchor: A Fast Oriented Scene Text Detector with Combined Networks [
] - [2018-ECCV] Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes [
] [code
] - [2018-AAAI] PixelLink: Detecting Scene Text via Instance Segmentation [
] [code
] - [2018-CVPR] RRPN: Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals [
] [code
] - [2018-CPVR] Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation [Paper]
- [2018-arxiv] PixelLink: Detecting Scene Text via Instance Segmentation [Paper]
- [2018-AAAI] SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition [Paper]
- [2018-arxiv] TextBoxes++: A Single-Shot Oriented Scene Text Detector[Paper]
- [2017-arxiv] Attention-based Extraction of Structured [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV]Single Shot TextDetector with Regional Attention [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV]WordSup: Exploiting Word Annotations for Character based Text Detection [Paper]
- [2017-arXiv]R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Orientation Robust Scene Text Detection[Paper]
- [2017-CVPR]EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector [Paper] [Code]
- [2017-arXiv]Cascaded Segmentation-Detection Networks for Word-Level Text Spotting[Paper]
- [2017-arXiv]Deep Direct Regression for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection [Paper]
- [2017-CVPR]Detecting oriented text in natural images by linking segments [Paper]
- [2017-CVPR]Deep Matching Prior Network: Toward Tighter Multi-oriented Text Detection [Paper]
- [2017-arXiv]Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals [Paper]
- [2017-AAAI]TextBoxes: A Fast Text Detector with a Single Deep Neural Network[Paper][Code]
- [2016-arXiv]Accurate Text Localization in Natural Image with Cascaded Convolutional TextNetwork [Paper]
- [2016-arXiv]DeepText : A Unified Framework for Text Proposal Generation and Text Detectionin Natural Images [Paper] [Data]
- [2017-PR]TextProposals: a Text-specific Selective Search Algorithm for Word Spotting in the Wild [paper] [code]
- [2016-arXiv] Scene Text Detection via Holistic, Multi-Channel Prediction [Paper]
- [2016-CVPR] CannyText Detector: Fast and Robust Scene Text Localization Algorithm [Paper]
- [2016-CVPR]Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images[Paper] [Data] [Code]
- [2016-ECCV]Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network[Paper] [Demo][Code]
- [2016-TIP]Text-Attentional Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene Text Detection[Paper]
- [2016-IJDAR]TextCatcher: a method to detect curved and challenging text in natural scenes[Paper]
- [2016-CVPR]Multi-oriented text detection with fully convolutional networks[Paper]
- [2015-TPRMI]Real-time Lexicon-free Scene Text Localization and Recognition
- [2015-CVPR]Symmetry-Based Text Line Detection in Natural Scenes
- [2015-ICCV]FASText: Efficient unconstrained scene text detector [Paper]
- [2015-D.PhilThesis] Deep Learning for Text Spotting [Paper]
- [2015 ICDAR]Object Proposals for Text Extraction in the Wild [Paper]
- [2014-ECCV] Deep Features for Text Spotting [Paper]
- [2014-TPAMI] Word Spotting and Recognition with Embedded Attributes [Paper]
- [2014-TPRMI]Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images
- [2014-ECCV] Robust Scene Text Detection with Convolution Neural Network Induced MSER Trees [Paper]
- [2013-ICCV] Photo OCR: Reading Text in Uncontrolled Conditions [Paper]
- [2012-CVPR]Real-time scene text localization and recognition [Paper]
- [2010-CVPR]Detecting Text in Natural Scenes with Stroke Width Transform [Paper]
Scene Text Recognition
- [2019-CVPR] ESIR: End-to-end Scene Text Recognition via Iterative Image Rectification [
] [code
] [code
] - [2019-CVPR] E2E-MLT: an Unconstrained End-to-End Method for Multi-Language Scene Text [
] - [2018-CVPR] FOTS: Fast [
] - [2017-ICCV] WeText: Scene Text Detection under Weak Supervision [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV] Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention [Paper] [Code]
- [2017-ICCV] Self-organized Text Detection with Minimal Post-processing via Border Learning [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV] Focusing Attention: Towards Accurate Text Recognition in Natural Images [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV] Towards End-to-end Text Spotting with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks [Paper]
- [2017-CVPR] Unambiguous Text Localization and Retrieval for Cluttered Scenes [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV] WordSup: Exploiting Word Annotations for Character based Text Detection [Paper]
- [2017-ICCV] Deep TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and Recognition Framework [Paper] [Code]
- [2017-arXiv] Cascaded Segmentation-Detection Networks for Word-Level Text Spotting [Paper]
- [2017-AAAI] Detection and Recognition of Text Embedding in Online Images via Neural Context Models [Paper] [Code]
- [2017-arXiv] Improving Text Proposal for Scene Images with Fully Convolutional Networks [Paper]
- [2017-AAAI] TextBoxes: A Fast TextDetector with a Single Deep Neural Network [Paper] [Code]
github 代码
- [2017-CVPR] Detecting Oriented Text in Natural Images by Linking Segments [Paper]
- [2017-arXiv] Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals [Paper]
- [2017-CVPR] Deep Matching Prior Network: Toward Tighter Multi-oriented Text Detection [Paper]
- [2016-arXiv] DeepText:A Unified Framework for Text Proposal Generation and Text Detection in Natural Images [Paper]
- [2017-arvix ] Full-Page TextRecognition : Learning Where to Start and When to Stop
- [2016-AAAI]Reading Scene Text in Deep Convolutional Sequences [Paper]
- [2016-IJCV]Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks [Paper]
- [2016-CVPR]Recursive Recurrent Nets with Attention Modeling for OCR in the Wild [Paper]
- [2016-CVPR] Robust Scene Text Recognition with Automatic Rectification [Paper]
- [2016-NIPs] Generative Shape Models: Joint Text Recognition and Segmentation with Very Little Training Data [Paper]
- [2015-CoRR] AnEnd-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition [Paper]
- [2015-ICDAR]Automatic Script Identification in the Wild [Paper]
- [2015-ICLR] Deep structured output learning for unconstrained text recognition [Paper]
- [2014-NIPS]Synthetic Data and Artificial Neural Networks for Natural Scene Text Recognition [Paper]
- [2014-TIP] A Unified Framework for Multi-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition
- [2012-ICPR]End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks [Paper]
Phd Thesis
- [2016-PhD Thesis] Context Modeling for Semantic Text Matching and Scene Text Detection [Paper]
- [2015-PhD Thesis] Deep Learning for Text Spotting [Paper]
- [2012-PhD thesis] End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks [Paper]
Text Detection
- [2018-arxiv] TextBoxes++: A Single-Shot Oriented Scene Text Detector [Paper]
PowerPoint Text Detection and Recognition Dataset
COCO-Text (ComputerVision Group, Cornell) 2016
- 63,686images, 173,589 text instances, 3 fine-grained text attributes.
- Task:text location and recognition
Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Image (VGG)2016
- 800k thousand images
- 8 million synthetic word instances
- download
Synthetic Word Dataset (Oxford, VGG) 2014
- 9million images covering 90k English words
- Task:text recognition, segmentation
- download
- 5000images from Scene Texts and born-digital (2k training and 3k testing images)
- Eachimage is a cropped word image of scene text with case-insensitive labels
- Task:text recognition
- download
StanfordSynth(Stanford, AI Group) 2012
- Small single-character images of 62 characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z)
- Task:text recognition
- download
MSRA Text Detection 500 Database(MSRA-TD500) 2012
- 500 natural images(resolutions of the images vary from 1296x864 to 1920x1280)
- Chinese,English or mixture of both
- Task:text detection
- 350 high resolution images (average size 1260 × 860) (100 images for training and 250 images for testing)
- Only word level bounding boxes are provided with case-insensitive labels
- Task:text location
KAIST Scene_Text Database 2010
- 3000 images of indoor and outdoor scenes containing text
- Korean,English (Number), and Mixed (Korean + English + Number)
- Task:text location, segmentation and recognition
Over 74K images from natural images, as well as a set of synthetically generatedcharacters
Smallsingle-character images of 62 characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z)
Task:text recognition
ICDAR Benchmark Datasets
Dataset | Discription | Competition Paper |
ICDAR 2017 | 42618 training images and 9837 testing images | paper ![]() |
ICDAR 2015 | 1000 training images and 500 testing images | paper ![]() |
ICDAR 2013 | 229 training images and 233 testing images | paper ![]() |
ICDAR 2011 | 229 training images and 255 testing images | paper ![]() |
ICDAR 2005 | 1001 training images and 489 testing images | paper ![]() |
ICDAR 2003 | 181 training images and 251 testing images(word level and character level) | paper ![]() |
- Scene Text Detection with OpenCV 3
- Handwritten numbers detection and recognition
- Applying OCR Technology for Receipt Recognition
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Object(Car License) Detection
- Extracting text from an image using Ocropus
- Number plate recognition with Tensorflow [github]
Using deep learning to break a Captcha system
[github] - Breaking reddit captcha with 96% accuracy [github]
- Scene Text Recognition in iOS [github]
Online Service
Name | Description |
Online OCR | API,Free |
Free OCR | API,Free |
New OCR | API,Free |
ABBYY FineReader Online | nonAPI,free |
Open Resources Code
- 本项目基于yolo3 与crnn 实现中文自然场景文字检测及识别 [code]
- 超轻量级中文ocr,支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn推理 , psenet(8.5M) + crnn(6.3M) + anglenet(1.5M) 总模型仅17M [code]
- Tesseract c++ based tools for documents analysis and OCR [code]
- Ocropy: Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
- CLSTM A small implementation of LSTM networks,focused on OCR
- Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Torch7
- Attention-OCR Visual Attention based OCR
- Umaru: An OCR-system based on torch using the technique of LSTM/GRU-RNN, CTC and referred to the works of rnnlib and clstm
- AKSHAYUBHAT/DeepVideoAnalytics (CTPN+CRNN) code
- ankush-me/SynthText code
- JarveeLee/SynthText_Chinese_version code
Hand Writing Recognition
- [2016-arXiv]Drawingand Recognizing Chinese Characters with Recurrent Neural Network
- Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
- Stroke Sequence-Dependent Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
- High Performance Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using GoogLeNet and Directional Feature Maps">
- DeepHCCR:Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition based on GoogLeNet and AlexNet (With CaffeModel)">
- Scan,Attend and Read: End-to-End Handwritten Paragraph Recognition with MDLSTMAttention
- MLPaint:the Real-Time Handwritten Digit Recognizer
- caffe-ocr: OCR with caffe deep learning framework
Licence Tag Recognition
- ReadingCar License Plates Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and LSTMs
- Numberplate recognition with Tensorflow
- end-to-end-for-plate-recognition href="