Tang Rufus

Results 94 issues of Tang Rufus

Currently, `composer.json` is being overriden by composify. We should backup the original `composer.json`. Example: https://github.com/ItinerisLtd/dlm-amazon-s3 (private)

good first issue

#### Option A - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) style path manipulations Examples: - [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/jsonpath/) Thanks @austinpray #### Option B - Accept a [mustache](https://mustache.github.io/) template via command flag

help wanted

- [ ] Backup to custom location (a folder outside normal trellis) - [ ] Auto delete by creation date on deploy (e.g: delete all *.sql older than 1 week)

Add bash script that finds `*.sql` under `releases` to the [usage](https://github.com/ItinerisLtd/trellis-backup-during-deploy/tree/f00add28aac64f84ddc55eff779cf9fd0a15901e#usage) section.

good first issue

