ofxVectorTile copied to clipboard
This addon is a wrapper from a Mapzen Tangram experiment on 3D Labels
Install addons dependences:
cd openFrameworks/addons
git clone --depth 1 http://github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/ofxGlmTools.git
git clone --depth 1 http://github.com/jefftimesten/ofxJSON.git
Add to project
Install ofxVectorTile
to your project using the ProjectGenerator, dragging folder or Adam’s OFPlugin.
On the project Properties (the blue icons with the name of your project) go to Building Settings
> Linking
> Other Linker Flags
and add -lcurl
The Problem
Labels in maps are a huge headache, and have been for a long time. There are lots of solutions for 2D mapping, but not so many when you work in 3D, and especially not when your map shifts between 2D and 3D.
The Experiments
The main trick is a 2D projection of the geometry to place the text, within the canvas. Like a heads-up display layer between the 3D geometry and the camera.
In the canvas:
Fonts don’t need to be resized on zoom
No off-screen computations
We know exactly what the user sees
- Occlusion becomes a problem: Should labels be visible through buildings? Which labels to prioritize, how to prioritize them? For now, these have no occlusion.
Line Labels
- Fit and repeat
float lastSeed = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < _anchorLine.size()-1; i++) {
float offset = _anchorLine.getDistances()[i];
float segmentLength = _anchorLine.getDistances()[i+1]-_anchorLine.getDistances()[i];//_anchorLine.getPolars()[i].r;
// Fits?
if( segmentLength >= (m_label.width+_maxDistance) ){
// How many times?
int nTimes = segmentLength/(m_label.width+_maxDistance);
// At what distance between each other?
float margin = (segmentLength-m_label.width*(float)nTimes)/((float)nTimes+1.0);
// Add anchors points for seeds
float seed = margin;
for (int i = 0; i < nTimes; i++) {
float potentialSeed = offset + seed ;
if( potentialSeed-lastSeed > _minDistance ){
lastSeed = potentialSeed;
seed += m_label.width+margin;
} else if ( segmentLength >= m_label.width+_minDistance){
// Only one time
float margin = (segmentLength-m_label.width)*0.5;
float potentialSeed = offset + margin ;
if( potentialSeed-lastSeed > _minDistance){
lastSeed = potentialSeed;
- Fade according to tilt angle
float angle = glm::dot(glm::normalize( *m_cameraPos - shapes[0].getCentroid()),glm::vec3(0.,0.,1.));
m_alpha = lerpValue(m_alpha,powf( CLAMP(angle,0.01,1.0), 1.15 ),0.1);
- Curved path following
float angle = PI;
glm::vec3 diff = _anchorLine[0]-_anchorLine[_anchorLine.size()-1];
angle = atan2f(-diff.y, diff.x);
if(angle < PI*0.5 && angle > -PI*0.5){
for (int i = m_text.length()-1; i >=0 ; i--) {
glm::vec3 src = _anchorLine.getPositionAt(_offset);
double rot = _anchorLine.getAngleAt(_offset);
glTranslated(src.x, src.y, src.z);
glRotated(rot*RAD_TO_DEG, 0, 0, -1);
glScaled(-1, -1, 1);
glTranslated(-m_lettersWidth[i], 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0., -m_label.height*0.5,0.);
m_font->drawString( std::string(1,m_text[i]), m_alpha );
_offset += m_lettersWidth[i];
} else {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < m_text.length(); i++) {
glm::vec3 src = _anchorLine.getPositionAt(_offset);
double rot = _anchorLine.getAngleAt(_offset);
glTranslated(src.x, src.y, src.z);
glRotated(rot*RAD_TO_DEG, 0, 0, -1);
glTranslatef(0., -m_label.height*0.5,0.);
m_font->drawString( std::string(1,m_text[i]), m_alpha );
_offset += m_lettersWidth[i];
} else {
Point Labels
- Project top points
glm::ivec4 viewport;
glm::mat4x4 mvmatrix, projmatrix;
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, &viewport[0]);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &mvmatrix[0][0]);
glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, &projmatrix[0][0]);
m_anchorPoint = glm::project(m_centroid+m_offset, mvmatrix, projmatrix, viewport);
- Mutual occlusion using depth sort and bounding boxes
bool depthSort(const glmFeatureLabelPointRef &_A, const glmFeatureLabelPointRef &_B){
return _A->getAnchorPoint().z < _B->getAnchorPoint().z;
std::sort(pointLabels.begin(),pointLabels.end(), depthSort);
for (int i = 0; i < pointLabels.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i-1; j >= 0 ; j--) {
if (pointLabels[i]->isOver( pointLabels[j].get() ) ){
pointLabels[i]->bVisible = false;
- Occlude line labels with bounding box
double rot = _anchorLine.getAngleAt(_offset);
glmRectangle boundingBox = glmPolyline(m_label,angle).getBoundingBox();
bool bOver = false;
for (int i = 0; i < pointLabels->size(); i++ ){
if( boundingBox.intersects(pointLabels->at(i)->getLabel(0) ) ){
bOver = true;
- Street level point of view