ATCAIS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ATCAIS copied to clipboard

The winner of VOT2020-RGBD


It is the ATCAIS tracker for VOT-RGBD2019 challenge.

The code is implemented based on ATOM and HTC.


The F1-score is 0.7016 while the AO is 0.6463.

The results are available at ./vot_rgbd2019_result.


run tracker_ATCAIS.m by VOT-toolkit, and you should adjust the path to your path.



system Ubuntu16.04

GPU 1080ti




setup python environments

cd /path/to/this_code/

if it raise errors, you can run the command in it one by one

download models

download the atom checkpoint and move it to 'pytracking/networks'

Baidu Netdisk password: mwcp

or Google

download the detection checkpoint and move it to 'pytracking/mmdetection/checkpoints'

Baidu Netdisk password: njw1

setup path

change the config_file and checkpoint_file to corresponding absolute path in the file pytracking/tracker/ATCAIS/

change the path in the file tracker_ATCAIS.m to corresponding absolute path, and move it to the vot workspace

change the settings.results_path and settings.network_path to corresponding absolute path in the file pytracking/evaluation/local


For the first time to run, it will build the prroi_pooling and may be quit. It may be timeout. You can simply just try again.

if you meet the following error: Tracker execution interrupted: Invalid MEX-file '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot-toolkit/native/traxclient.mexa64': Missing symbol '_ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareEPKc' required by '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot-toolkit/native/traxclient.mexa64' Missing symbol '_ZNSt13runtime_errorC1EPKc' required by '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot-toolkit/native/traxclient.mexa64' Missing symbol '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE10_M_replaceEmmPKcm' required by '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot-toolkit/native/traxclient.mexa64' Missing symbol 'ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4swapERS4' required by '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot-toolkit/native/traxclient.mexa64' ...

I am not sure what happens, but you can run

export LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

before you open matlab to solve it.

if you have any other questions, please contact to me [email protected]. if you have not got reply in time, try [email protected]