Lorenzo Tanganelli
Lorenzo Tanganelli
##### ISSUE TYPE * Enhancement Request * Feature Idea ##### COMPONENT NAME ~~~ API/UI/Backend ~~~ ##### CLOUDSTACK VERSION ~~~ 4.19 ~~~ ##### CONFIGURATION ##### OS / ENVIRONMENT ##### SUMMARY Hi...
Hi team, i notice that after two weeks of used, I receive some error on UI and core api under `api/task/backup` . Checking on the log I notice that there...
Hi team, In this PR I added the functionality to use native API via lookup plugin. I'm simply inspired from [AWX xontroller_api](https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/awx_collection/plugins/lookup/controller_api.py) so the implementation it's very simple and without...
##### ISSUE TYPE * Enhancement Request ##### COMPONENT NAME ~~~ Backend ~~~ ##### CLOUDSTACK VERSION ~~~ ~~~ ##### CONFIGURATION N/A ##### OS / ENVIRONMENT Ubuntu 22 for Managemente KVM...