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bsod on win 10.19043 or later
When the operating system is running at Win 10.19043 or 19044, calling the function EptpConstructTables to construct ept tables will generate BSOD, because MmGetVirtualForPhysical cannot convert the physical address corresponding to the NonPagedPoolNx type memory. So it will cause a null pointer exception and crash.
我实际在19042.1706 也出现了同样的问题。 在tandasat 5个月前的一次更新以后就会这样。 但是好像并没有看到code的改动,我觉得好像是改了配置,要等 tandasat 来解答了。 我曾经在3月份下载的HyperPlatform项目没有出现此问题