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The Parser Generator for Haskell

Peggy: A Parser Generator of Parsing Expression Grammer (PEG)


This is an yet another parser generator of Parsing Expression Grammer (PEG) which is:

  • Simple
  • Concise
  • Fast
  • Modern


You can find a recent stable release in Hackage DB. You can install this as following instruction:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install Peggy

Why should you use Peggy?

Haskell has commonly used parser generators, one of them are Alex/Happy. But I think Alex/Happy are not good in these points:

  • Generates regacy codes

Alex uses only too basic libraries. It does not use monad-transformers, iteratee, ListLike, Text, and so on.

  • Tradisional Regexp/CFG based parser

Parsec has no good error recovery.

unnun, kannun...


Quick Start

Here is an example of parsing arithmetic expressions.

{-# QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}

import Text.Peggy

exp :: Double
  = exp "+" fact  { $1 + $2 }
  / exp "-" fact  { $1 - $2 }
  / fact
fact :: Double
  = fact "*" term { $1 * $2 }
  / fact "/" term { $1 / $2 }
  / term
term :: Double
  = "(" exp ")"
  / number
number ::: Double
  = ([1-9][0-9]*) { read $1 }

main :: IO ()
main =
  print . parse exp =<< getContents