LinxESP32 copied to clipboard
Configuring WIFI (SSID, PW, Security)
I have tried to change the Example so that the Configuration of SSID, PW... via serial interface should be enabled. I added LinxSerialConnection.Start(LinxDevice, 0); and LinxSerialConnection.CheckForCommands(); compiled and Upload to ESP32, but I can't configure the ESP with the "Configure Wifi", I get a Error 5003 while open the Device with "Open" Isn't the option for configuration via LabView provided in the source code?
`/**************************************************************************************** ** This is example LINX firmware for use with the ESP32 device ** ** For more information see: ** For support visit the forums at: ** ** Written By Ken Sharp ** ** BSD2 license. ****************************************************************************************/
//Include Device Specific Header From Sketch>>Import Library (In This Case LinxESP32.h) //Also Include Desired LINX Listener From Sketch>>Import Library (In This Case LinxESP32WifiListener.h) #include <LinxESP32.h>
//Create A Pointer To The LINX Device Object We Instantiate In Setup() LinxESP32* LinxDevice;
//Initialize LINX Device And Listener void setup() { //Instantiate The LINX Device LinxDevice = new LinxESP32();
// PWM & Servo Setup uint8_t pwmList[] = {}; // Max16Ch {0, 26, ...} uint16_t pwmFrequency = 12000; // LED:12000, Servo:50 for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(pwmList); i++) { ledcSetup(i, pwmFrequency, 8); pinMode(pwmList[i], OUTPUT); ledcAttachPin(pwmList[i], i); }
// I2C Begin ch0:Wire, ch1:Wire1 //Wire.begin(); //Wire1.begin(32, 33);
// The LINX Listener Is Pre Instantiated. // Set SSID (Network Name), Security Type, Passphrase/Key, And Call Start With Desired Device IP and Port // If not set, it will connect with the last connection information //LinxWifiConnection.SetSsid("YOUR_NETWORK_NAME"); //LinxWifiConnection.SetSecurity(WPA2_NONE); //NONE, WPA2_PASSPHRASE, WPA2_KEY, WEP40, WEO104 //LinxWifiConnection.SetPassphrase("PASSPHRASE");
//Start With Fixed Port. When Using This Method You Cannot Update The Port Using LINX VIs LinxWifiConnection.Start(LinxDevice); //LinxWifiConnection.Start(LinxDevice, 44300); //The LINX Serial Listener Is Included In WIFI Listener And Pre Instantiated. This Is Necessary For Configuring Wifi Settings. LinxSerialConnection.Start(LinxDevice, 0); }
void loop() { //Listen For New Packets From LabVIEW LinxWifiConnection.CheckForCommands(); LinxSerialConnection.CheckForCommands(); //Your Code Here, But It will Slow Down The Connection With LabVIEW delay(1); }`