abort_interp uses the global variables oper1, oper2, oper3, and oper4 which are defined in the header of each primitive file (p_*.c). abort_interp passes these variables to do_abort_interp which is an...
This is the equivalent to the flag? MUF prim. Calling signature: `{flag?:#ref,str}` where 'str' is one or more flags to test for. 'M' flag will ignored and a number will...
While working on some cmd-editplayer.muf, I was able to observe a pretty big oddity. When set to D or Z, either way, if you go to menu item 13 upon...
Python, lua, or other languages could be considered to modernize us past the clunkiness of MUF.
Forward referencing for function names in MUF would be useful... (To avoid having to stuff the address of functions into variables to call them out of order) Also making the...
I'd like to see FORCE opened up for muckers with less than wizbits, with the following restrictions: M1 and M2 would only be able to FORCE players and things that...
This is a sourceforge issue. NOTE: the scope of this may not include MUFs (as suggested in the original issue). I will see how much work it is to do...
I had a thought that it might be useful to have a sudo command such as: ``` @sudo SomeName SomePassword=Some command ``` This would basically let one user `@force` another...
Attempting to go around the lack of toad player prim via wizz "@toad *whomever*" force crashes the muck. This code crashes it: ``` : cleanupguest 5 sleep me @ "@/guest"...
Locate all TODO's in code and clean them or make issues.