Wei Tan

Results 83 comments of Wei Tan

I have the same question about it. For now, I could only disable cmdline with `noice.nvim`.

Thanks, it is the right place.

Met the same issue. I use MacOS.

Hmm, just met the same issue. But I can confirm that at least 1 year ago, it works well.

The plugin now is UNMAINTAINED. So we may use an alternative one. Thanks @mfuentesg for writing this great plugin.

Maybe [here](https://packagecontrol.io/docs/syncing) is a probably a proper solution.

Met the same issue. :-( Seems hard to fix.

Met the same issue. The first notification will always be "ERROR", but actually the notification should be "INFO".

Win10 -> Linux just meet the same issue. What does it mean?

Just met the issue. It's wired, because it occurs only in my Mac Mini, Windows and Linux with the same issue and same neovim version never meet the issue. The...