nvim-market icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nvim-market copied to clipboard

An extension market plugin for neovim


An extension market place plugin for neovim.
Made for personal use, but feel free to fork/contribute/extend anyway you like.



    import="nvim-market.plugins",       -- Important part!
    config=true     -- No real options as of now.


-- These keybinds should only be used inside lazy window.
map('n', '<leader>ii', function() require("nvim-market").install_picker() end)
map('n', '<leader>iu', function() require("nvim-market").remove_picker() end)


  • The code is extremely ugly (Just nearly 200 LOC).
  • Searches plugins from a database of 3k plugins remotely.
  • Just a PoC until real packspec stuff gets standardised. (refer: https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim/pull/910, https://github.com/neovim/packspec)


  • [ ] Cleanify keybinds, create setup function, etc
  • [ ] Make UI good, add highlight, etc
  • [ ] interactive opts update
  • [ ] Move the state file from stdpath "data" to "config"? (for VCS)