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Vite web error on initializing `Error in Tamagui parse, skipping package.json not found in path Error: package.json not found in path` in a Nx monorepo

Open guillempuche opened this issue 10 months ago • 9 comments

Current Behavior

Error Error in Tamagui parse, skipping package.json not found in path Error: package.json not found in path, something with @tamagui/static package, specifically here https://github.com/tamagui/tamagui/blob/master/packages/static/src/extractor/extractHelpers.ts.

Nx can work without package.json in the local packages and apps (except for the Expo app)

The Expo app works well.

My Vite config in apps/web-react/vite.config.ts

import { nxViteTsPaths } from '@nx/vite/plugins/nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin'
import { tamaguiExtractPlugin, tamaguiPlugin } from '@tamagui/vite-plugin'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
/// <reference types='vitest' />
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

import tamaguiComponentsConfig from './src/tamagui.config'

export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => ({
	root: __dirname,
	cacheDir: '../../node_modules/.vite/apps/web-react',

	server: {
		port: 4200,
		host: 'localhost',

	preview: {
		port: 4300,
		host: 'localhost',

	plugins: [

			// For React and Tamagui
			babel: {
				plugins: [
							config: './src/tamagui.config.ts',
							components: [
							logTimings: true,

		// For Tamagui
		tamaguiPlugin({ config: './src/tamagui.config' }),

		// Adds the optimizing compiler
		mode === 'production'
			? tamaguiExtractPlugin({ config: './src/tamagui.config' })
			: null,

	// Uncomment this if you are using workers.
	// worker: {
	//  plugins: [ nxViteTsPaths() ],
	// },

	build: {
		outDir: '../../dist/apps/web-react',
		reportCompressedSize: true,
		commonjsOptions: {
			transformMixedEsModules: true,

	define: {
		'import.meta.vitest': undefined,
	test: {
		globals: true,
		cache: {
			dir: '../../node_modules/.vitest',
		environment: 'jsdom',
		include: ['src/**/*.{test,spec}.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}'],
		includeSource: ['src/**/*.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}'],
		reporters: ['default'],
		coverage: {
			reportsDirectory: '../../coverage/apps/web-react',
			provider: 'v8',

This is the output of the terminal:

Error in Tamagui parse, skipping package.json not found in path Error: package.json not found in path
    at findRoot (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/find-root/index.js:19:11)
    at findRoot (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/find-root/index.js:28:10)
    at findRoot (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/find-root/index.js:28:10)
    at findRoot (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/find-root/index.js:28:10)
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/extractHelpers.js:110:45
    at Array.flatMap (<anonymous>)
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/extractHelpers.js:109:422
    at memoized (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/helpers/memoize.js:27:25)
    at isComponentPackage (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/extractHelpers.js:85:174)
    at isValidModule (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/extractHelpers.js:104:70)
    at isValidImport (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/extractHelpers.js:109:127)
    at parseWithConfig (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/createExtractor.js:183:147)
    at Object.parseSync (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/static/dist/cjs/extractor/createExtractor.js:87:14)
    at PluginPass.enter (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@tamagui/babel-plugin/dist/cjs/index.js:78:29)
    at newFn (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/visitors.js:160:14)
    at NodePath._call (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:46:20)
    at NodePath.call (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:36:17)
    at NodePath.visit (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/path/context.js:82:31)
    at TraversalContext.visitQueue (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/context.js:89:16)
    at TraversalContext.visitSingle (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/context.js:65:19)
    at TraversalContext.visit (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/context.js:112:19)
    at traverseNode (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/traverse-node.js:22:17)
    at traverse (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@babel/traverse/lib/index.js:52:34)
    at transformFile (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-react/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/index.js:82:31)
    at transformFile.next (<anonymous>)
    at run (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-react/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/index.js:24:12)
    at run.next (<anonymous>)
    at transform (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-react/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform.js:22:33)
    at transform.next (<anonymous>)
    at step (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:261:32)
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:273:13
    at async.call.result.err.err (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:223:11)
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:189:28
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-react/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/async.js:67:7
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:113:33
    at step (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:287:14)
    at /Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:273:13
    at async.call.result.err.err (/Users/guillem/programacio/codi/cites/xiroi/node_modules/gensync/index.js:223:11)

And my browser console:


Expected Behavior

Run the Vite React web.

Tamagui Version


Platform (Web, iOS, Android)



1. Clone project https://github.com/guillempuche/nx-expo-next-tamagui/
2. yarn install
3. yarn exec nx run web-react:serve
4. Open http://localhost:4200/ on a browser tab
5. You get the error

System Info

    OS: macOS 14.4.1
    CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1
    Memory: 59.48 MB / 16.00 GB
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 20.9.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/node
    Yarn: 4.1.1 - ~/Library/pnpm/yarn
    npm: 10.1.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/npm
    Watchman: 2024.04.01.00 - /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman
    Brave Browser:
    Chrome: 124.0.6367.60
    Edge: 124.0.2478.51
    Safari: 17.4.1
    @biomejs/biome: ^1.7.0 => 1.7.0 
    @expo/cli: ~0.17.5 => 0.17.10 
    @expo/metro-config: ~0.17.4 => 0.17.7 
    @expo/metro-runtime: ~3.1.3 => 3.1.3 
    @nderscore/tamagui-typescript-plugin: ^0.6.0 => 0.6.0 
    @nx/expo: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/jest: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/js: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/next: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/react: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/react-native: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/storybook: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/vite: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/web: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
    @nx/workspace: 18.3.2 => 18.3.2 
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    @swc/core: ~1.3.85 => 1.3.107 
    @swc/helpers: ~0.5.2 => 0.5.10 
    @tamagui/babel-plugin: ~1.94.5 => 1.94.5 
    @tamagui/build: ^1.94.5 => 1.94.5 
    @tamagui/cli: ^1.94.5 => 1.94.5 
    @tamagui/config: ^1.94.5 => 1.94.5 
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    @types/react: ~18.2.45 => 18.2.79 
    @types/react-dom: 18.2.14 => 18.2.14 
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    @vitest/coverage-v8: ^1.0.4 => 1.5.0 
    @vitest/ui: ^1.3.1 => 1.5.0 
    babel-preset-expo: 10.0.1 => 10.0.1 
    eas-cli: ~7.1.2 => 7.1.3 
    expo: ~50.0.6 => 50.0.17 
    expo-constants: ~15.4.5 => 15.4.6 
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    react-native-web: 0.19.10 => 0.19.10 
    react-router-dom: 6.11.2 => 6.11.2 
    react-test-renderer: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 
    solito: ^4.2.0 => 4.2.2 
    storybook: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.17 
    tamagui: ^1.94.5 => 1.94.5 
    ts-node: 10.9.1 => 10.9.1 
    tslib: ^2.3.0 => 2.6.2 
    typescript: ^5.4.5 => 5.4.5 
    vite: ~5.2.2 => 5.2.10 
    vitest: ^1.3.1 => 1.5.0

guillempuche avatar Apr 22 '24 16:04 guillempuche

inside createExtractor we use find-root that uses package.json as a way to find root of a module I think maybe using node_modues is a better way to determine root of a module?

byteab avatar Apr 24 '24 16:04 byteab

What package in node_modules are you looking to find module?


guillempuche avatar Apr 24 '24 18:04 guillempuche

Some additional context for non-NX people. Depending on your setup, neither node_modules or package.json exist close to the nextjs/expo project. Both node_modules and package.json might be in the root, where the projects would be in /apps/next-js-project and /apps/expo-project/ respectivly.

Hope this helps any future work on this.

(I have the same issue btw).

jsve avatar Apr 29 '24 20:04 jsve

Yea.. i think community deserve a better way to comprehend the setup in Monorepos and in NX especifically.

itsmelion avatar May 05 '24 18:05 itsmelion

@itsmelion I'm creating a template that works https://github.com/guillempuche/nx-expo-next-tamagui, except for ViteJS web.

It still needs the Expo EAS build scripts to work with Yarn 4 (I opened an issue at https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/22631, you can comment it to increase the priority 😉).

guillempuche avatar May 05 '24 19:05 guillempuche

Actually i just put a "empty" package.json there and were all good.

itsmelion avatar May 05 '24 19:05 itsmelion

Ohh fuck, yeah!!! Thanks Christhopher 🤜

I won't close the issue, because Tamagui repo should consider no package.json in Nx, because Nx doesn't create them by default.

guillempuche avatar May 05 '24 19:05 guillempuche

@guillempuche thank you for opening this issue and your starter repo helps me a lot 🙏

CoSNaYe avatar May 19 '24 08:05 CoSNaYe

@CoSNaYe very much appreciated! This can also help you https://github.com/guillempuche/nx-expo-next-tamagui/issues/2#issuecomment-2108091061

guillempuche avatar May 19 '24 12:05 guillempuche