nlsp-settings.nvim copied to clipboard
Using with NvChad: LspInfo command not available and sumnekolua not working
Hi, I'm using this plugin with NvChad ( on Neovim. I have configured it like this since NvChad already has a configuration for lspconfig and lsp-installer:
local nlspsettings = require("nlspsettings")
config_home = vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/nlsp-settings',
local_settings_dir = ".nlsp-settings",
local_settings_root_markers = { '.git' },
append_default_schemas = true,
loader = 'json'
and the LspInfo command stopped working (Neevim does not recognize it anymore). Moreover I get this message about sumneko lua LS:
Spawning language server with cmd: 'lua-language-server' failed. The language server is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable.
If i disable nlsp-settings the lua language server client works correctly.
Does this plugin stops lspconfig to load lua configs? What can be the problem?