cardentry icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cardentry copied to clipboard

Android Credit/Debit Card Entry Fast and Fully Animated

Credit Card Entry UI for Android

provides quick and easy way to enter credit/debit cards in mobile apps. Android Credit Card Entry Inspired by Square and

Apps using CardEntry


If you use gradle, then add the following dependency from mavenCentral():
compile 'com.talobin:card-entry:0.1.5'
If you use something other than gradle, then:
  1. Edit AndroidManifest.xml. We're going to add a few additional items in here:

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" />
  2. Within the <application> element, add activity entries:

    <!-- Activities responsible for gathering payment info -->
    <activity android:name="com.talobin.cardentry.ui.CardEntryActivity"
  3. That's it, no extra permission is needed

Note: Before you build in release mode, make sure to adjust your proguard configuration by adding the following to proguard.cnf:
-keep class com.talobin.**
-keepclassmembers class com.talobin.** {

Sample code (See the SampleApp for an example)

First, we'll assume that you're going to launch the Entry from a button, and that you've set the button's onClick handler in the layout XML via android:onClick="onShowEntryPress". Then, add the method as:

public void onShowEntryPress(View v) {
     Intent scanIntent = new Intent(this, CardEntryActivity.class);
     // customize these values to suit your needs.
     true); // default: false
     true); // default: false
     false); // default: true

     // MY_ENTRY_REQUEST_CODE is arbitrary and is only used within this activity.

Next, we'll override onActivityResult() to get the info that user has entered. We assume that you have setup serveral TextViews to display the result.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if (requestCode == MY_ENTRY_REQUEST_CODE) {
        if (resultCode == CardEntryActivity.RESULT_OK) {
                Card enterdCard = data.getParcelableExtra(CardEntryActivity.EXTRA_CARD_INFO);
                if (enterdCard != null) {
                    final TextView cardNumber = (TextView) findViewById(;
                                           + enterdCard.getCardNumber());
                    final TextView cardExp = (TextView) findViewById(;
                                        + enterdCard.getExpirationMonth()
                                        + "/"
                                        + enterdCard.getExpirationYear());
                    final TextView cardCVV = (TextView) findViewById(;
                                        + enterdCard.getSecurityCode());
                    final TextView cardZip = (TextView) findViewById(;
                                        + enterdCard.getZipCode());
    // else handle other activity results

Screen Shots


Support all card types : Amex, Dinners Club, Discover, Visa, Master, JCB

Fully animated