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Elixir wrapper for FFmpeg command line interface


Build Status Module Version

An Elixir wrapper for the FFmpeg command line interface.

Documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/ffmpex/

Usage notes

The API is a builder, building up the list of options per-file, per-stream(-per-file), and globally.

Note that adding options is backwards from using the ffmpeg CLI; when using ffmpeg CLI, you specify the options before each file. But with FFmpex (this library), you add the file/stream first, then add the relevant options afterward.


import FFmpex
use FFmpex.Options

command =
  |> add_global_option(option_y())
  |> add_input_file("/path/to/input.avi")
  |> add_output_file("/path/to/output.avi")
    |> add_stream_specifier(stream_type: :video)
      |> add_stream_option(option_b("64k"))
    |> add_file_option(option_maxrate("128k"))
    |> add_file_option(option_bufsize("64k"))

{:ok, output} = execute(command)

It is possible to obtain ffmpeg's output with:

command =
  |> add_input_file("/path/to/input.mp4")
  |> to_stdout()
  |> add_file_option(option_f("avi"))

{:ok, output} = execute(command)


You can use the FFprobe module to query for file info:

# => result in seconds, e.g., 228.456939

See silent_video and thumbnex for more usage examples.


FFmpeg must be installed.


Add ffmpex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ffmpex, "~> 0.11.0"}


You can specify some options in config.exs:

config :ffmpex, ffmpeg_path: "/path/to/ffmpeg"
config :ffmpex, ffprobe_path: "/path/to/ffprobe"

Release notes

See the Changelog for changes between versions.


FFmpex is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the FFmpeg project.

FFmpeg is a trademark of Fabrice Bellard, originator of the FFmpeg project.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2016 Andrew Shu

FFmpex source code is licensed under the MIT License.