TEA-graph copied to clipboard
First commit
Graph deep learning on whole slide image predicts the context-aware prognostic pathological features of renal cell carcinoma
- To install the dependencies for this project, see the "requirements.yaml"
- Tested on Nvidia TESLA V100 x 2 with CUDA 11.1
Step 1: Processing whole slide image (WSI) into superpatch-graph
What is the superpatch-graph?
- Superpatch-graph is the compressed representation of whole slide image into graph structure in memory efficient manner.
- Run the ./Superpatch_network_construction/supernode_generation.py
- Users can simply run the above script with pre-defined sample data
- Or, users can use your own whole slide image by setting the "--graphdir"
- Output files
- Compressed network as ".pt"
- Node position information in "_node_location_list.csv"
- Superpatch aggregated dictionary in "_artifact_sophis_final.csv"
Step 2: Training TEA-graph using superpatch-graph
- Users can predict the prognosis of entire host with tumor environment-associated context analysis using deep graph learning (TEA-graph)
- Run the ./main.py with appropriate hyperparameters
- Users can simply run the above script with pre-defined parameters and datasets
- Or, users can use their own dataset preprocessed by "supernode_generation" script
Step 3: Visualization of IG (Integrated gradients) value on WSI
- Users can visualize the IG value which is highly correlated with risk value of each region in WSI
- Also, we provide subgraph-level contextual pathological feature extraction
- Run the ./IG_attention_feature_cal_main.py with same parameters you used for training your own TEA-graph model
- Users must define the trained_parameters as "--load_state_dict"
- "IG_analysis" directory is created inside the directory you choose as the "--load_state_dict"
- Subfolder for each patient is created inside the "IG_analysis"
- "attention_value.npy" indicates the edge-level attention value
- "Node_IG_sophis.npy" indicates the node-level IG value
- "whole_feature.npy" is the trained contextual feature through GNN
- "_WSI_Image_mask_IG_new.gif" is the heatmap of IG value on WSI
- "_WSI_graph_wo_IG.jpeg" is the superpatch-graph
- "_WSI_graph_w_IG.jpeg" is the IG value colored superpatch-graph
- "IG_again" directory is also created inside each patient's folder
- "_IG_TME_subgraph.csv" indicates the each IG group's subgraph
Step 4: Biomarker discovery
- Users can extract the contextual biomarker using the calculated IG values and extracted feature at the previous step
- Run the ./Context_marker_discovery_main.py with approprate directory path
- Users can obtain the several candidate pathology images with visualized graph for contextual biomarker
- http://github.com/mahmoodlab/Patch-GCN
- http://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch
- http://github.com/pyg-team/pytorch_geometric
BiNEL (http://binel.snu.ac.kr) - This code is made available under the MIT License and is available for non-commercial academic purposes