Torsten Albrecht
Torsten Albrecht
Could you explain a little bit more, what you have in mind, @bueler? I know that some users within PalMod context use heterogeneous slurm jobs to run several PISM instances...
Great, let us know if we can help with it...
A reviewer ask about the influence of modeled ice sheet volume on vertical resolution: "Does the thermodynamic solver have a sub−iteration to ensure the CFL condition is not broken? What...
We had some discussions on vertical resolution and temperate ice in PISM recently. Is the update on the conservation of energy implementation still on the list?
As far as I know, the MPI-ESM in Hamburg is using two PISM instances simultaneously, one for the northern Hemisphere and another for Antarctica.
Thanks @jkingslake for formulating this recipe. Yes, let's do this with the larger dataset, as the community seems to be interested in different variables (e.g. velocities) at different periods, than...
The (larger) Source dataset has not been published yet, it is stored on a High Performance Computer in Germany. As an temporary option I could produce a FTP link with...
It will be of the order of 50GB and about 500 individual files (ensemble of 256 with each one timeseries file of spatially aggregated variables (t) and one outputfile containing...
Yes, in the [README]( you find that for the whole ensemble I have the following variables available every 1000 years: 'thk','mask','topg','usurf','velbar_mag','dbdt','bmelt' while the two velocity components 'u_ssa','v_ssa' are only available...
Hej, I have uploaded 35GB of data (not zipped), that can be seen in this temporary link: `rsync rsync://` or downloaded with `rsync -r rsync:// model_data` The velocity snapshots are...