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training error (seg_tri)

Open leaf918 opened this issue 6 years ago • 13 comments

vis_epoch 1_idx 0 vis_epoch 1_idx 1 accuracy loss loss graph didn't close.

leaf918 avatar Nov 12 '18 04:11 leaf918

[2018/12/13 09:22:03.066] INFO (15628) config : Load config from "config.json" [2018/12/13 09:22:03.125] WARNING (15628) datasets.common : no image is valid [2018/12/13 09:22:03.126] INFO (15628) main : Compute weight matrix for each image

i got this one.i don't know where is it error. please tell me

nanthakumar94 avatar Dec 13 '18 01:12 nanthakumar94

[2018/12/13 09:22:03.066] INFO (15628) config : Load config from "config.json" [2018/12/13 09:22:03.125] WARNING (15628) datasets.common : no image is valid [2018/12/13 09:22:03.126] INFO (15628) main : Compute weight matrix for each image

i got this one.i don't know where is it error. please tell me

you need prepare all dataset first.

leaf918 avatar Dec 18 '18 12:12 leaf918

[2018/12/13 09:22:03.066] INFO (15628) config : Load config from "config.json" [2018/12/13 09:22:03.125] WARNING (15628) datasets.common : no image is valid [2018/12/13 09:22:03.126] INFO (15628) main : Compute weight matrix for each image i got this one.i don't know where is it error. please tell me

you need prepare all dataset first.

Brother, my three modes of training: $ python scripts/train.py --mode seg $ python scripts/train.py --mode seg+ $ python scripts/train.py --mode seg_tri

The training part looks normal, but the test was very bad and found: Mode=seg Mode=seg+ The test result is a gray picture

Mode = seg_tri The test result is a white picture

My test command is: $ python scripts/train.py --mode {seg,seg+,seg_tri} --model_path './result/model_best' -i

Can you see where I am using the error? such as:

  1. Is the model path I loaded correct?
  2. Like you said W B needs to be changed to standardized initialization
  3. Testing or training There is a particularly critical detail to note?

If you see a reply, I will be very grateful and happy! @leaf918

kkkmax avatar Jan 07 '19 06:01 kkkmax



In addition, mode=seg_tri training model, my loss curve is almost the same as you. Do you have some new opinions on this now?

kkkmax avatar Jan 07 '19 06:01 kkkmax

[2018/12/13 09:22:03.066] INFO (15628) config : Load config from "config.json" [2018/12/13 09:22:03.125] WARNING (15628) datasets.common : no image is valid [2018/12/13 09:22:03.126] INFO (15628) main : Compute weight matrix for each image i got this one.i don't know where is it error. please tell me

you need prepare all dataset first.

@leaf918, do you know how to generate "img_alpha"?

mansentan avatar Mar 24 '19 02:03 mansentan

[2018/12/13 09:22:03.066] INFO (15628) config : Load config from "config.json" [2018/12/13 09:22:03.125] WARNING (15628) datasets.common : no image is valid [2018/12/13 09:22:03.126] INFO (15628) main : Compute weight matrix for each image i got this one.i don't know where is it error. please tell me

you need prepare all dataset first.

@leaf918, do you know how to generate "img_alpha"?

python scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py --pseudo_alpha

leaf918 avatar Apr 03 '19 08:04 leaf918



In addition, mode=seg_tri training model, my loss curve is almost the same as you. Do you have some new opinions on this now?

not yet

leaf918 avatar Apr 03 '19 08:04 leaf918

alembic==1.0.10 asn1crypto==0.24.0 blurhash==1.1.0 boost==0.1 certifi==2019.3.9 cffi==1.12.3 chainer==5.4.0 chainerui==0.9.0 chardet==3.0.4 Click==7.0 cmake==3.13.3 colorama==0.4.1 cryptography==2.6.1 cupy-cuda100==6.0.0 cycler==0.10.0 decorator==4.4.0 dlib==19.9.0 fastrlock==0.4 filelock==3.0.10 Flask==1.0.3 gevent==1.4.0 greenlet==0.4.15 h5py==2.9.0 http-ece==1.1.0 idna==2.8 itsdangerous==1.1.0 Jinja2==2.10.1 kiwisolver==1.1.0 logutils==0.3.5 Mako==1.0.10 MarkupSafe==1.1.1 Mastodon.py==1.4.2 matplotlib==3.1.0 msgpack==0.6.1 numpy==1.16.2 opencv-python== Pillow==6.0.0 protobuf==3.7.1 pycparser==2.19 pyparsing==2.4.0 python-dateutil==2.8.0 python-editor==1.0.4 python-magic==0.4.15 pytz==2019.1 rainbow-logging-handler==2.2.2 requests==2.22.0 scipy==1.0.0 six==1.12.0 SQLAlchemy==1.3.3 structlog==19.1.0 typing==3.6.6 typing-extensions==3.7.2 urllib3==1.25.2 Werkzeug==0.15.4

billzw avatar May 19 '19 04:05 billzw

could you paste some result image here , @billzw

leaf918 avatar May 20 '19 02:05 leaf918

accuracy loss vis_epoch=1_idx=0

billzw avatar May 25 '19 03:05 billzw

@billzw hi~does the last black picture is your test output?

Maru-chan511 avatar Jul 26 '19 07:07 Maru-chan511

@billzw hi~does the last black picture is your test output?


leaf918 avatar Jul 29 '19 07:07 leaf918

@leaf918 you have two github ID? Or you got the same output?

Maru-chan511 avatar Jul 29 '19 07:07 Maru-chan511