portrait_matting copied to clipboard
extra alpha mask
May I ask How to get the extra alpha mask ?
The same question with @z0yuu , where can we download the extra alpha mask to reproduce the model ? Thanks.
We have make alpha by ourselves, but we can't get similar result. If possible, please give some advise.
you could run scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py before scripts/prepare_seg_tri_dataset.py. prepare_matting_dataset.py will generate a pesudo alpha mask by gaussian blur
you could run scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py before scripts/prepare_seg_tri_dataset.py. prepare_matting_dataset.py will generate a pesudo alpha mask by gaussian blur
you could run scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py before scripts/prepare_seg_tri_dataset.py. prepare_matting_dataset.py will generate a pesudo alpha mask by gaussian blur
@zhujun001, I'm getting following error when I run scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py, do you have idea to it?
[2019/03/24 11:07:11.723] INFO (1666) __main__ : Compute look up table for weights Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py", line 146, in <module> main() File "scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py", line 135, in main weight_lut = AlphaWeightLut(names, config.img_alpha_dir) File "scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py", line 72, in __init__ self.distrib_lut = -np.log(sum_distrib / np.sum(sum_distrib)) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
try python scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py --pseudo_alpha
thanks @wkunique, you are saving my life.
@zhujun001 Thanks for a million!
try python scripts/prepare_matting_dataset.py --pseudo_alpha
i still having nonetype error after using --psuedo_alpha anyone can help ?
currently using numpy 1.13.3