gitbucket-maven-repository-plugin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A GitBucket plugin that provides Maven repository hosting on GitBucket

gitbucket-maven-repository-plugin build

A GitBucket plugin that provides Maven repository hosting on GitBucket.


In default, following Maven repositories become available by installing this plugin to GitBucket.

  • http(s)://GITBUCKET_HOST/maven/releases
  • http(s)://GITBUCKET_HOST/maven/snapshots

You can deploy artifacts to these repositories via WebDAV with your GitBucket account.

Also you can deploy via SSH (SCP) with public key authentication using keys registered in GitBucket. In this case, use following configurations to connect via SSH:

  • Host: Hostname of GitBucket
  • Port: SSH port configured in GitBucket system settings
  • Path: /maven/releases or /maven/snapshots

It's possible to add more repositories and configure them at the administration console:

Maven repository settings

You can specify whether artifacts are overwritable for each repository. In addition, it's possible to make repository private. Private repositories require basic authentication by GitBucket account to access.


Plugin version GitBucket version
1.8.x 4.37.1 -
1.7.x 4.36.x -
1.6.x 4.35.x -
1.5.x 4.32.x -
1.4.x 4.30.x -
1.3.x - 4.23.x -
1.1.x - 1.2.x 4.21.x -
1.0.x 4.19.x -


Download jar file from the release page and put into GITBUCKET_HOME/plugins.


Run sbt assembly and copy generated /target/scala-2.13/gitbucket-maven-repository-plugin-x.x.x.jar to ~/.gitbucket/plugins/ (If the directory does not exist, create it by hand before copying the jar), or just run sbt install.




resolvers ++= Seq(
 "GitBucket Snapshots Repository" at "http://localhost:8080/maven/snapshots",
 "GitBucket Releases Repository"  at "http://localhost:8080/maven/releases"

// If repository is private, you have to add authentication information
credentials += Credentials("GitBucket Maven Repository", "localhost", "username", "password")

Publish via WebDAV:

publishTo := {
  val base = "http://localhost:8080/maven/"
  if (version.value.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) Some("snapshots" at base + "snapshots")
  else                                    Some("releases"  at base + "releases")

credentials += Credentials("GitBucket Maven Repository", "localhost", "username", "password")

Publish via SSH:

publishTo := {
  val repoInfo =
    if (version.value.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) ("snapshots" -> "/maven/snapshots")
    else                                    ("releases"  -> "/maven/releases")
  Some(Resolver.ssh(repoInfo._1, "localhost", 29418, repoInfo._2) 
    as(System.getProperty(""), (Path.userHome / ".ssh" / "id_rsa").asFile))


Add distribution settings to your pom.xml:


Also you need to add authentication settings in ~/.m2/settings.xml (replace username and password with your GitBucket account's one):



To publish your artifacts to a Maven repo hosted by this GitBucket plug-in, only the urls in your uploadArchives.repositories section of your build.gradle need to be changed (using your installation's URLs):

// ...
def mvnUser     = hasProperty("mvnUser")     ? mvnUser     : "no_user"
def mvnPassword = hasProperty("mvnPassword") ? mvnPassword : "no_pwd" 
// ...
uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            repository(url:"http://localhost:8080/maven/releases") {
                authentication(userName: mvnUser, password: mvnPassword)
            snapshotRepository(url: "http://localhost:8080/maven/snapshots") {
                authentication(userName: mvnUser, password: mvnPassword)
// ...

where mvnUser and mvnPassword are set in your ~/.gradle/