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[2% bonus] Kinematic Chain Optimization
Up to 3 submissions will be accepted. Post a snapshot showing several iterations of the algorithm and your code here: https://classroom.github.com/assignment-invitations/6149ec28d392c794b2c98a6c87104963
Extending the material presented in the "IK-ICP" develop an algorithm that performs the alignment of the blue segment structure to the yellow point set (yes, you'll have to create this data on your own). Implement the Point-to-Point ICP as well as the Point-to-Plane variant, and then evaluate the respective convergence speed.
Some helpful information can be found in this paper: https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~sbuss/ResearchWeb/ikmethods/iksurvey.pdf (remember this is a bonus, so you are expected to work independently)
Are the segments lines or can be curves? Are they simply four points or more points?
Lines is fine. You can think of them as a collection of points sampling densely each segment.
I don't have very many clues. I simply match the first segment, then apply the first rotation/shift to the rest two, and then match the second segment, apply the second rotation/shift to the third one, then do the matching on the last segment. Before entering the next iteration I shift the three segmentations towards each other so they can get connected. Not sure at all whether this makes sense or not (at least I tried).
From the output it seems both point-to-point and point-to-plane reach convergence. Point-to-plane is slower (around 10 iterations), while point-to-point only takes 2 iterations (is that normal?).
By the way I forgot how to flip the y axis. Sorry about that.
(Point-to-point 2nd iteration)
(Point-to-point 50th iteration)
(Point-to-plane 2nd iteration)
(Point-to-plane 4th iteration)
(Point-to-plane 10th iteration)
My implementation solves the problem by minimizing the point to point/plane distance as a function of the three joint rotations. Translation of segments is handled by treating the rotations as a hierarchy.
My point-to-plane implementation seems to converge more slowly than my point-to-point one, so I think I may be expressing the energy in it incorrectly.
Iteration 1:
Iteration 2:
Iteration 4:
Iteration 8:
@xuzheng0927 your solution is not correct, you have to treat it as a single large optimization problem Ax=b. Your "x" contains three rotations: the ones with respect to the first, second and third joint.
@drebain Almost there, but that's not what I am asking for convergence speed :)
You have the ground truth alignment, so you can measure how far you are from the optimal solution (norm of theta - theta^*)
. You have to plot how fast this residual changes as the number of iterations increase. See this example:
(note: repeat the experiment with multiple initializations, compare and then average the results)
@xuzheng0927 @drebain note I've added a repo for the code submission as I am accepting up to three bonus takers, see the first post.
Reading this paper might also help: https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~sbuss/ResearchWeb/ikmethods/iksurvey.pdf
note: submissions to this bonus question will not be accepted beyond the end of this week.