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Allow :global selector around @tailwind

Open tomprats opened this issue 4 months ago • 1 comments

Here is an updated version of https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/pull/8418

The full explanation is there but essentially comes down to using CSS Modules with the default of a local scope. It helps prevent any custom css from conflicting in a large project while allowing the developer to use Tailwind for most components.

tomprats avatar Dec 20 '23 23:12 tomprats

@adamwathan @thecrypticace Can someone take a look at this? I don't want to bug you, but just want to get it on your radar! Thanks!

tomprats avatar Jan 24 '24 16:01 tomprats

@RobinMalfait @KrisBraun Would it help this PR's chances if I rebased off of master again?

tomprats avatar Mar 19 '24 20:03 tomprats

Hey thanks for this! We decided to fix this more universally by just dramatically loosening the restrictions around nesting here: https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/pull/13325

So this should work as expected when we tag the next release, likely today 💪

Really appreciate the PR!

adamwathan avatar Mar 27 '24 13:03 adamwathan

Awesome! I appreciate the work and you letting me know! 🎉

tomprats avatar Mar 27 '24 16:03 tomprats