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Add `break-anywhere` utility

Open serkodev opened this issue 7 months ago • 6 comments

Related discussion #12127

@supports (overflow-wrap: anywhere) {
  .break-anywhere {
    overflow-wrap: anywhere;

@supports not (overflow-wrap: anywhere) {
  .break-anywhere {
    word-break: break-word;

serkodev avatar Oct 03 '23 09:10 serkodev

@serkodev This looks great. Are there any side effects you know of for browsers that do not yet support either of these, or would this work purely, as a progressive enhancement?

brandonmcconnell avatar Oct 12 '23 02:10 brandonmcconnell

@brandonmcconnell For browsers that do not support overflow-wrap: anywhere, it's likely that they will support the older property word-break: break-word given its longevity in the web standards.

Moreover, the @supports (not) query boasts a substantial 97.77% browser coverage. This suggests that the approach should function effectively in the vast majority of browsing environments. So it should serve as a progressive enhancement, ensuring a seamless experience for users across different browsers.

serkodev avatar Oct 14 '23 13:10 serkodev

this is much needed

jonathanlal avatar Jan 31 '24 11:01 jonathanlal

Imho it shouldn't use @supports for the sake of keeping it lightweight and because @supports is known to have obscure bugs. Users should be aware of the browsers they support and if the prop is not supported, I would see it as graceful degradation.

silverwind avatar Apr 09 '24 18:04 silverwind

There are subtle differences between the behavior of word-break: break-word and overflow-wrap: anywhere, so they should not be included in the same utility class. If the users want to progressively enhance, it should be the user’s responsibility.

Tailwind states the following regarding browser support:

Tailwind CSS v3.0 is primarily designed and tested with the latest stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, and does not support any version of Internet Explorer, including IE 11.

While the majority of Tailwind CSS features are compatible with all modern browsers, the framework also incorporates APIs for several advanced features not yet universally supported, such as the :focus-visible pseudo-class and backdrop-filter utilities.

Given that Tailwind is a foundational framework, users can easily avoid using unsupported features by simply not utilizing the corresponding utility or modifier, similar to how one would refrain from using specific CSS features in their own stylesheets.


For example, the support rate for text wrap utilities is lower, but this is not a problem. Whether or not to use those properties should be left to the user’s discretion.

yuheiy avatar Apr 12 '24 06:04 yuheiy

There are subtle differences between the behavior of word-break: break-word and overflow-wrap: anywhere, so they should not be included in the same utility class. If the users want to progressively enhance, it should be the user’s responsibility.

I agree and think this should just be .break-anywhere { overflow-wrap: anywhere }, let the user deal with the subtle differences and browser support instead of trying to be smart.

silverwind avatar May 10 '24 11:05 silverwind