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Add support for configuring default `font-variation-settings` for a `font-family`

Open ngrushkovsky opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

I wanted to add default font-variation-settings for the beta version of the font, where Inter Display was merged into Inter as an optical-size axis. However, I discovered that there is no support for this option in the current codebase.

This pull request adds support for configuring default font-variation-settings for a font-family, which will allow users to change the way it is rendered in their projects. This will give users more flexibility when it comes to font customization.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      sans: [
        'Inter var, sans-serif',
          fontFeatureSettings: '"cv11", "ss01"',
          fontVariationSettings: '"opsz" 32',

I decided not to open a feature request for this change as it may not be significant enough, and I hope that's okay. Thank you for considering this change, and for all the work you've done on this amazing framework! ❤

ngrushkovsky avatar Dec 09 '22 12:12 ngrushkovsky