vagga copied to clipboard
Failed to add ppa keys with guest system 18.04 Ubuntu: missed gnupg
- !AptTrust keys: [7B2C3B0889BF5709A105D03AC2518248EEA14886]
- !UbuntuPPA webupd8team/java
- !Sh "echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | debconf-set-selections"
- !Sh "echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 seen true | debconf-set-selections"
- !Install [oracle-java8-installer]
- !Cmd ["update-alternatives", "--config", "java"]
E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is required for this operation
ERROR:vagga::builder: Error building container "bionic": step SubConfig { source: Directory, path: "vagga.yaml", container: "pkg", cache: None } failed: sub-step SubConfig { source: Directory, path: "vagga.yaml", container: "pkg-java-oracle", cache: None } failed: sub-step AptTrust { server: None, keys: ["7B2C3B0889BF5709A105D03AC2518248EEA14886"] } failed: error running <Command "/usr/bin/apt-key" "adv" "--keyserver" "" "--recv-keys" "7B2C3B0889BF5709A105D03AC2518248EEA14886"; environ[6]; chroot="/vagga/root"; work-dir="/work"> exited with code -1
ERROR:vagga::wrapper: Error executing _build: Builder exited with code 1
Command <Command "/proc/self/exe" "__wrapper__" "_build" "bionic"; environ[3]; uid_map=[UidMap { inside_uid: 0, outside_uid: 1000, count: 1 }, UidMap { inside_uid: 1, outside_uid: 65536, count: 65535 }]; gid_map=[GidMap { inside_gid: 0, outside_gid: 1000, count: 1 }, GidMap { inside_gid: 1, outside_gid: 65536, count: 65535 }]> exited with code 124
Workaround: add !BuildDeps [gnupg]
Thank you for reporting! Fixed in v0.8.0-127-gefc0bc0 for bionic. I'm not sure if all non-LTS releases work, but I hope so.
- !AptTrust
keys: [D88E42B4]
E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is required for this operation
Issue not gone...
spark@sparkpc:~$ vagga --version
@roman901 what ubuntu distribution do you use?
In container - Bionic.
Use this as a temporary workaround:
- !AptTrust
server: hkps://
keys: [D88E42B4]