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A monix wrapper for OkHttp
Communicator provides a simple way to construct OkHttp requests as monix.Task
s which is equipped with a beautiful functional interface and comes with first class support for cancellation.
libraryDependencies ++=
"io.taig" %% "communicator-request" % "3.5.1" ::
"io.taig" %% "communicator-builder" % "3.5.1" ::
import monix._; import eval.Task; import
import io.taig.communicator._
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import scala._; import util._; import concurrent._; import duration._
// To build request tasks, an implicit OkHttpClient should be in scope
implicit val client = new OkHttpClient()
// Simple OkHttp request builder
val builder = new OkHttpRequestBuilder().url("")
// Construct a Task[Response] and parse it to a String
val request = Request([String]
// Kick off the actual request
val response = request.runAsync
Await.result(response, 30.seconds)
// res4: io.taig.communicator.Response[String] =
// >>>
// [No headers]
// <<< 200 OK
// Server:
// Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 12:49:58 GMT
// Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
// Transfer-Encoding: chunked
// Status: 200 OK
// Cache-Control: no-cache
// Vary: X-PJAX
// Set-Cookie: has_recent_activity=1; path=/; expires=Fri, 31 Aug 2018 13:49:58 -0000
// Set-Cookie: _octo=GH1.1.1880644452.1535719798;; path=/; expires=Mon, 31 Aug 2020 12:49:58 -0000
// Set-Cookie: logged_in=no;; path=/; expires=Tue, 31 Aug 2038 12:49:58 -0000; secure; HttpOnly
// Set-Cookie: _gh_sess=Y3RsdXRvTWFNZ0tZKy9hWlZ1Ujc4KzRYTlBuTm51bFJoWHN0TGZzQjJxa0hLQXJ4enhzcTgvOHhuOTFqWW9qcjhDalpML0UvWSt3NzVTWGYyOHIwL283Y0xsQXJkcnVHKy84Uk8zYnVsdmpxNnpoMG5MbXJucTBxNWs3ejI4MVBQO...
Communicator provides a thin layer around OkHttp using monix.Task
to execute HTTP requests and monix.Observable
for Phoenix Channels. To construct requests, the OkHttp builder API is used.
Building Requests
Use the OkHttp builder API to construct requests which are then lifted into io.taig.communicator.request.Request
val headers = new OkHttpRequestBuilder().
header("X-API-Key", "foobar").
val request: Request = Request(headers)
Handling Responses
There are several ways to transform a Request
to an executable Task[Response]
// Ignores response body
val ignoreBody: Task[Response[Unit]] = request.ignoreBody
// Parses response body to a String
val parse: Task[Response[String]] = request.parse[String]
To use Communicator on the Android platform please extend your ProGuard rules by the following instructions:
proguardOptions ++=
"-dontnote okhttp3.internal.**" ::
"-dontnote monix.execution.internals.**" ::
"-dontwarn io.circe.generic.util.macros.**" ::
"-dontwarn monix.execution.internals.**" ::
"-dontwarn okio.**" ::
"-dontwarn org.jctools.**" ::
"-dontwarn org.slf4j.**" ::
You might also use existing platform Executor
s to provide a monix Scheduler
import android.os.AsyncTask
import android.util.Log
import monix.execution.Scheduler
implicit val PoolScheduler: Scheduler = Scheduler {
t ⇒ Log.e("PoolScheduler", "Failure during asynchronous operation", t)
Communicator 2.x
The scala.concurrent.Future
predecessor of this library has been deprecated. You can still access the source and documentation.
Communicator 1.x
The Java predecessor of this library has been deprecated. You can still access the source and documentation.