hd-keyring icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hd-keyring copied to clipboard

A class to manage BIP-32 compatible hierarchical deterministic wallets.


A class to manage BIP-32 compatible hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets, popular across Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Built to power Tally, the community owned and operated Web3 wallet.

Building and Developing

Development Setup

If you’re on macOS, install Homebrew and run scripts/macos-setup.sh. Note that if you don’t have Homebrew or you’re not on macOS, the below information details what you’ll need. The script additionally sets up pre-commit hooks.

$ ./scripts/macos-setup.sh

Required Software

If you can't use the macOS setup script, here is the software you'll need to install:


$ nvm use
$ npm install -g yarn # if you don't have yarn globally installed
$ yarn install # install all dependencies; rerun with --ignore-scripts if
               # scrypt node-gyp failures prevent the install from completing
$ yarn test --watch # start a continuous test that will auto-run with changes

Once the continuous test build is running, you can make whatever changes to the code and make sure tests continue to pass.