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A rust implementation of protobuf parser
A pure Rust library to serialize/deserialize protobuf files.
This library intends to provide a simple yet fast (minimal allocations) protobuf parser implementation.
It provides both:
pb-rs, a code generation tool:
file will generate a minimal rust module (one function to read, one to write, and one to compute the size of the messages) -
each message will generate a rust struct where:
Proto Rust bytes Cow<'a, [u8]>
string Cow<'a, str>
other scalars rust primitive repeated Vec
repeated, packed, fixed size Cow<'a, [M]>
optional Option
message struct
enum enum
map HashMap
oneof Name OneOfName
enumnested m1
modulepackage a.b
modulesimport file_a.proto use super::file_a::*
no need to use google
tool to generate the modules
quick-protobuf, a protobuf file parser:
- this is the crate that you will typically refer to in your library. The generated modules will assume it has been imported.
- it acts like an event parser, the logic to convert it into struct is handled by
Example: protobuf_example project
- Install pb-rs binary to convert your proto file into a quick-protobuf compatible source code
cargo install pb-rs
pb-rs /path/to/your/protobuf/file.proto
# will generate a
# /path/to/your/protobuf/file.rs
- Add a dependency to quick-protobuf
# Cargo.toml
quick-protobuf = "0.8.0"
- Have fun
extern crate quick_protobuf;
mod foo_bar; // (see 1.)
use quick_protobuf::Reader;
// We will suppose here that Foo and Bar are two messages defined in the .proto file
// and converted into rust structs
// FooBar is the root message defined like this:
// message FooBar {
// repeated Foo foos = 1;
// repeated Bar bars = 2;
// }
// FooBar is a message generated from a proto file
// in parcicular it contains a `from_reader` function
use foo_bar::FooBar;
use quick_protobuf::{MessageRead, BytesReader};
fn main() {
// bytes is a buffer on the data we want to deserialize
// typically bytes is read from a `Read`:
// r.read_to_end(&mut bytes).expect("cannot read bytes");
let mut bytes: Vec<u8>;
# bytes = vec![];
// we can build a bytes reader directly out of the bytes
let mut reader = BytesReader::from_bytes(&bytes);
// now using the generated module decoding is as easy as:
let foobar = FooBar::from_reader(&mut reader, &bytes).expect("Cannot read FooBar");
// if instead the buffer contains a length delimited stream of message we could use:
// while !r.is_eof() {
// let foobar: FooBar = r.read_message(&bytes).expect(...);
// ...
// }
println!("Found {} foos and {} bars", foobar.foos.len(), foobar.bars.len());
Examples directory
You can find basic examples in the examples directory.
- pb_rs_example: A basic write/read loop on all datatypes
Message <-> struct
The best way to check for all kinds of generated code is to look for the codegen_example data:
- definition: data_types.proto
- generated code: data_types.rs
Proto definition
enum FooEnum {
message BarMessage {
required int32 b_required_int32 = 1;
message FooMessage {
optional int32 f_int32 = 1;
optional int64 f_int64 = 2;
optional uint32 f_uint32 = 3;
optional uint64 f_uint64 = 4;
optional sint32 f_sint32 = 5;
optional sint64 f_sint64 = 6;
optional bool f_bool = 7;
optional FooEnum f_FooEnum = 8;
optional fixed64 f_fixed64 = 9;
optional sfixed64 f_sfixed64 = 10;
optional fixed32 f_fixed32 = 11;
optional sfixed32 f_sfixed32 = 12;
optional double f_double = 13;
optional float f_float = 14;
optional bytes f_bytes = 15;
optional string f_string = 16;
optional FooMessage f_self_message = 17;
optional BarMessage f_bar_message = 18;
repeated int32 f_repeated_int32 = 19;
repeated int32 f_repeated_packed_int32 = 20 [ packed = true ];
Generated structs
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum FooEnum {
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct BarMessage { // all fields are owned: no lifetime parameter
pub b_required_int32: i32,
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct FooMessage<'a> { // has borrowed fields: lifetime parameter
pub f_int32: Option<i32>,
pub f_int64: Option<i64>,
pub f_uint32: Option<u32>,
pub f_uint64: Option<u64>,
pub f_sint32: Option<i32>,
pub f_sint64: Option<i64>,
pub f_bool: Option<bool>,
pub f_FooEnum: Option<FooEnum>,
pub f_fixed64: Option<u64>,
pub f_sfixed64: Option<i64>,
pub f_fixed32: Option<u32>,
pub f_sfixed32: Option<i32>,
pub f_double: Option<f64>,
pub f_float: Option<f32>,
pub f_bytes: Option<Cow<'a, [u8]>>, // bytes -> Cow<[u8]>
pub f_string: Option<Cow<'a, str>> // string -> Cow<str>
pub f_self_message: Option<Box<FooMessage<'a>>>, // reference cycle -> Boxed message
pub f_bar_message: Option<BarMessage>,
pub f_repeated_int32: Vec<i32>, // repeated: Vec
pub f_repeated_packed_int32: Vec<i32>, // repeated packed: Vec
Leverage rust module system
Nested Messages
message A {
message B {
// ...
As rust does not allow a struct and a module to share the same name, we use mod_Name
for the nested messages.
pub struct A {
pub mod mod_A {
pub struct B {
// ...
package a.b;
Here we could have used the same name, but for consistency with nested messages, modules are prefixed with mod_
as well.
pub mod mod_a {
pub mod mod_b {
// ...
Why not rust-protobuf
This library is an alternative to the widely used rust-protobuf.
Pros / Cons
- Much faster, in particular when working with string, bytes and repeated packed fixed size fields (no extra allocation)
- No need to install
on your machine - No trait objects: faster/simpler parser
- Very simple generated modules (~10x smaller) so you can easily understand what is happening
- Less popular
- most rust-protobuf tests have been migrated here (see v2 and v3)
- quick-protobuf is being used by many people now and is very reliable
- some missing functionalities
- Not a drop-in replacement of rust-protobuf
- everything being explicit you have to handle more things yourself (e.g.
- everything being explicit you have to handle more things yourself (e.g.
- Less popular
Have a look at the different generated modules for the same .proto file:
- rust-protobuf: 2371 loc
- quick-protobuf: 302 loc
See perftest, an adaptation of rust protobuf's perftest. Depending on your scenario each crate has its merit. quick-protobuf is particularly good at reading large bytes.
Any help is welcome! (Pull requests of course, bug reports, missing functionality etc...)