Thomas Faust

Results 55 comments of Thomas Faust

> Any reason that there isn't an official image with updated spark version for over a year now? > Is the spark operator properly maintained? As far as I perceived...

Any update towards correlation ids (with opentelemetry) for traefik v3 ?

IMHO it's the same terms as if you'd use the Handelsregister directly. This is not legal advice. Nor do I know your business neither your customers. Seek legal advice on...

I'd consult a lawyer to be really sure. The Handelsregister can only let you know about their ToS (in conformance with their issue to take actual responsibility for the service/data...

I should also point out that I tracked the error down to this line in the jupyter-server project:

@kevin-bates thank you for the reply! > I'm assuming they're running within the same network - correct? I'm 99% sure because they run in the same Kubernetes Cluster in different...

@kevin-bates I started my local jupyterlab with: ```shell EG_PROHIBITED_LOCAL_IPS='10.100.*.*' python3 -m jupyterlab --debug \ --gateway-url=http://enterprise-gateway.ns-jupyter:8888 \ --GatewayClient.http_user=guest \ --GatewayClient.http_pwd=guest-password \ --GatewayClient.request_timeout=240.0 \ --GatewayClient.connect_timeout=240.0 ``` My remote kernel logs: ```shell /usr/local/bin/

> I should also point out that I tracked the error down to this line in the jupyter-server project: Just to be follow up, I am currently stuck at...

Thanks @kevin-bates. Setting the `EG_PROHIBITED_LOCAL_IPS` on the `deployment.yaml` did work but prevents all connections to/from enterprise-gateway. I have enterprise-gateway with istio deployed, I will remove it and retry. If that...

> Hmm - this should not have any bearing on the accessibility of EG from applications. Could you clarify what you mean by prevents all connections to/from enterprise-gateway? I cannot...