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bspwm and polybar

Open Tarch1 opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

Hi, first thank's for your work, second I have a problem with polybar that is placed under every windows, then I tryed with

xdo raise -N Polybar

from terminal and it's worked, but if I put inside polybar launcher, never works. That are my relevant config:

  • bspwmrc

pgrep -x sxhkd > /dev/null || sxhkd & setxkbmap -layout it & numlockx & xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr & wal -i ~/.wallpapers/ -o ~/.config/dunst/dunst-color.sh & xset s 60 120 xss-lock -n "notify-send -u critical -t 5000 -- 'Locking in 1 min'" -- slock & picom & ./.config/low-battery.sh & ./.config/polybar/launch.sh &

  • launch.sh

killall -q polybar source ~/.cache/wal/colors.sh export color0_alpha="#22${color1/'#'}" polybar bar1 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/polybar1.log & xdo raise -N Polybar ~/.config/polybar/hide -d top -N 'polybar' --region 560x10+900+-100 -w &

  • polybar config

[global/wm] margin-top = 0 margin-bottom = 0

[bar/bar1] width = 50% height = 30 offset-x = 25% offset-y = 1% fixed-center = true

tray-position = right tray-detached = true tray-offset-x = 60

border-bottom-size = 0

background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground}

padding-left = 5 padding-right = 5 spacing = 0 module-margin = 2

font-0 = SF Pro Display:size=13;3

modules-left = apps date bspwm modules-center = modules-right = battery backlight pulseaudio temperature wlan eth powermenu

wm-restack = bspwm override-redirect = true

Tarch1 avatar Feb 14 '21 22:02 Tarch1

polybar should not end up underneath any window in any case but maybe this is a bspwm thing.

Anyways, xdo raise does most likely not work because you call it basically at the same time as you start polybar due to the &. Try adding a sleep between like I did below. This might give polybar enough time to start.

killall -q polybar
source ~/.cache/wal/colors.sh
export color0_alpha="#22${color1/'#'}"
polybar bar1 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/polybar1.log &
sleep 1
xdo raise -N Polybar
~/.config/polybar/hide -d top -N 'polybar' --region 560x10+900+-100 -w &

tadly avatar Feb 15 '21 06:02 tadly

thanks for your fast reply I've tryed but doesn't work, neither xdo nor hide...

  • and I have another question, how can I prevent do have multiple process of your script running at the same time? Because after I restart (not logout or reboot) bspwm it create an another process of hideit and both of them not work

Tarch1 avatar Feb 15 '21 13:02 Tarch1

i'm pretty sure if you remove wm-restack = bspwm that should solve your initial problem.

emekoi avatar Feb 20 '21 13:02 emekoi

Nah It doesn't work :( But in other wm work's perfectly 👍🏻 For my second question you maybe know a solution?

Tarch1 avatar Feb 21 '21 10:02 Tarch1

in my bspwmrc i have the following:

pkill -f 'hideIt.sh'
pkill -f 'polybar'

echo "-----------" | tee -a /tmp/polybar_*.log

function start_bar {
	polybar "$1_display" 2>&1 | tee -a "/tmp/polybar_$1.log" & disown
	sleep 0.5
	hideIt.sh -w --name "^polybar-$1" -d top -H -p 3 & disown

and i use start_bar like so

hdmi_a_0=$(cat /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status)
if [[ $hdmi_a_0 = *disconnected* ]]; then
	bspc monitor 'eDP' -d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
	start_bar "internal"
	bspc monitor 'HDMI-A-0' -d 1 2 3 4 5
	bspc monitor 'eDP' -d 6 7 8 9 0	
	start_bar "internal"
	start_bar "external"

and it seems to work alright. the sleep duration was what worked fine for me but you might have to adjust it.

regarding your first question, i can confirm that the same thing happens to me when my bar started immediately after boot, but when if i restart it, it seems to work just fine. i'm not sure if it's hideIt.sh's fault though.

emekoi avatar Mar 01 '21 00:03 emekoi