Tadas Petra
Tadas Petra
You can find them within each platforms live dashboard
No only some of them. In the screenshot you can see the first 2 are faded but the second two are normal
I see what you mean. It’s not always the first two books. They’re random. I’ll try pasting them in browser and see if they’re faded there. I just assumed they...
Yes to confirm it does come faded from API. **Faded Link:** http://books.google.com/books/content?id=eq9XvgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&imgtk=AFLRE73QPpN5bT2X8zcPoQGJHqpuwBQoGNc_9J0wOdnc2b3eFpGjm73IMWDc803tLsVkbizbCS225Tu_GfhcnXKwYm399zrYStv72az7ojJXBl22cVrQRi-Y92t1ZmLzv5hGkke-jkFP&source=gbs_api **Normal Link:** https://books.google.com/books/content?id=tcSMCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api
> So it's probablu the imgtk parameter in the url that's causing this maybe Im not sure about that. This link (with removed imgtk) also gives a faded image: http://books.google.com/books/content?id=eq9XvgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5
There is now a `Layout.oneToOne` added in the newest version. And like @Meherdeep mentioned, you don't need to prompt your users for a channelName. It can be done behind the...
This is because your navigation stack is only one layer. The reason you are getting a black screen is because you are popping off the initial screen that you have....
> > So it's probablu the imgtk parameter in the url that's causing this maybe > > Im not sure about that. This link (with removed imgtk) also gives a...
@nikkieke Upgrading flutter with 3.19.2 works with `agora_uikit` version 1.3.7?
I am still seeing this issue with version 3.19.2