embedding-api-v3-guide copied to clipboard
Restrict Adaptive Device Size to Width (ignore height)
Right now, Tableau chooses device size based on both height and width of the available browser space. Can you change this to just width?
I struggle to think of an application where it would be necessary to have a mobile view on a wide-yet-short monitor, and believe the majority of responsive/mobile design is based on width and ignores height
Hrmm, well the current behavior is actually just in non-Embedded. In the JSAPI v2, we don't intelligently detect the form factor and choose the Device Specific Dashboard for you. Instead, you can write the JS to do that. So you have a workaround today, but in v3 we plan on doing more intelligent browser-size detection and DSD choosing. We are still working out how to do that which is why its not in the migration guide.
My understanding here is that there's no difference between directly hitting Tableau Server and the v2 JS API. I suppose you could prevent the iFrame from ever being smaller than 500/800px tall with JS/CSS to prevent that, but there are occasions where we need to embed smaller iFrames than that. Noted as a possible workaround, but this is probably more of a request to add width-only device detection in Tableau since height doesn't seem to be very standard across the web.
Excited about the updated device detection though.