TabMon copied to clipboard
The service did not start successfully
I'm new to TabMon. I'm using version 1.3 and my server is 2019.3.0 (centos 7, AWS) I am not able to start the TabMon service after the installation.
Here is the error: 2019-10-28 16:04:44,899 [5] ERROR TabMon.TabMonAgent - Failed to initialize counter sampler using counters from configuration file: ∏¯∂®πÿº¸◊÷≤ª‘⁄◊÷µ‰÷–°£ Aborting.. 2019-10-28 16:04:44,900 [5] FATAL Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.WindowsServiceHost - The service did not start successfully Topshelf.TopshelfException: The service did not start successfully (returned false). ‘⁄ Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.WindowsServiceHost.OnStart(String[] args) 2019-10-28 16:04:44,913 [1] ERROR Topshelf.HostFactory - The service terminated abnormally
I will attach a copies of my config file as well as the Log file.
Please advise! Thank you
@danjrahm please help