Nate Taber

Results 16 comments of Nate Taber

[edit] eksctl can propagate tags for self-managed and managed node groups. however if you use CFN or the API, tags for EKS managed node groups do not propagate. We are...

@jicowan do you imagine this is just a notification or also includes some sort of metadata about the status of the AMI (tests passing, etc...)?

@bengaywins you're right, this data is now publicly available via the EKS Add-ons versions metadata API. Additionally, the coreDNS image is [listed on ECR Public]( to see the manifest. Resolving.

Hi all, This feature is in our development plans and I've added it to our public roadmap. We envision that in time, all EKS clusters will use managed add-ons and...

@stevehipwell we're working on making this change for later in 2021, the latest release for CoreDNS and Kube-proxy support was a step towards completing this issue. Can you tell me...