The new active effects do, in theory, allow for test hits to be applied to:  You have to create an effect with apply to test or test via item,...
This might be an old bug, as I've got custom skills both for actor and owned item embedded effects. Looking at the code, this is what I'd expect as well....
Hey there, these PRs do sit a bit. Are they still a draft or ready to merge?
I've seen that as well. And also couldn't determine the cause. I assume it's releated to a Foundry data migration, so either the post-update migration or world reload (even though...
The system already disabled legacyTransferal. As far as I can tell this still, sometimes, happens. I'm just not sure at what point and what triggers it. The only place I...
I'll remove the auto status application until this is resolved. After a quick glance it seems to be a mix of combat-utility-belt replacing default status names and something else I...
Addressed wrong issue with PR...
The underlying behavior differences between CUB and the system needs some more time to fully understand. Due to this I've removed this issue from the 0.19 milestone for now. The...
Do they have to be? Isn't the minimum value 1 for attributes (based on character creation)? I remember this being an issue way back with spirits in particular. Anyway. This...
@BASIC-BIT I've moved the discussion comment from your PR #957. This refactor isn't overly complicated but I'd like to move forward with both your PR and the 0.17.0 release soon....