@mjourdan Nice!
Good for me :-)
Thanks for the quick answer, @jflesch ! I forgot to mention that neither issue is new. I’m even almost 100% sure that both date back from before version 3.
I would appreciate: — a list of most-accessed (most clicked-on) documents (there is for example “Échéancier” (FR) documents that I read every month) ; — a list of the most-used...
As far as I’m concerned, I do want to see the document list on launch, even though I am interested in a welcome screen… in the right panel. Viewing the...
+1 @tiramiseb
Happy New Year! @mjourdan I like your second Overview Pane mockup better, because it is inside the window, and the window is probably already on the left side of the...
I occasionally browse Paperwork’s files because it is much faster than opening Paperwork. In this situation, having original filenames would help.
lol. Yes, you are right. But to be fair, much of the fault is on my side: my Papers folder is on NFS (1GB/s LAN, but still…)
You may also consider writing a systemd unit file for MegaFuse. Systemd handles background handling, restart-on-failure, and a lot more.