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Currying Library for Nim


This package is a simple currying library for Nim.


$ nimble install currying


If you want to declare a curried function, all you need to do is mark it with the curried pragma.

You can use this package as follow.

import currying

proc f(x, y: A): A {.curried.} =


The following example is a simple usage with sum function.

import currying

proc sum(x, y: int): int {.curried.} = x + y

var sum10 = sum 10
echo sum10 20
# 30

curried pragma can be used with generic procedures.

import future

proc f[T](x, y: T): T {.curried.} = x + y

var fint = f 2
echo(fint(6)) # 8

var ffloat = f 10.01
echo(ffloat(1000.0)) # 1010.01

proc g[T0, T1](x: T0, y: T0 -> T1): T1 {.curried.} = y(x)
var g10 = g[int, string](10)
echo(g10((x: int) => $x)) # 10

There are other examples in tests/tests.nim file.

It can also be used with infix operators.