[CCStopper is being sunset.](https://github.com/eaaasun/CCStopper#migrating-fromuninstalling-ccstopper-) I don't have any more information on fixing this problem unfortunately, but I suggest you take a look at the [listed alternatives](https://github.com/eaaasun/CCStopper#alternatives) that may work better.
[CCStopper is being sunset.](https://github.com/eaaasun/CCStopper#migrating-fromuninstalling-ccstopper-) LR classic is known to be finicky with GenP. This most likely isn't a CCStopper issue, but if you have any more information (like what patches...
Am getting the same issue when downloading novels, the text is still missing. Tried again with a cookie file, got `AttributeError: 'MozillaCookieJar' object has no attribute 'update'` in return.