adobe-sucks-scrotum icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
adobe-sucks-scrotum copied to clipboard

A resource for alternatives to popular Adobe software.

Adobe Sucks (Scrotum)

Alternatives to popular Adobe Creative Cloud software.

Have a good alternative?

Please make sure that your alternative of choice:

  • [x] does not use a subscription-based payment model

  • [x] has (roughly) 80% or more of its Adobe counterpart's functions

If the above requirements are met, go here and fill out the form. It'll then bring you to the issue page with proper formatting so that I can add your app.

If you do not go through the website, or if the information provided is not formatted properly, your submission will be rejected.

See something wrong with the site?

Open an issue here, and fill the form out.

Inspired by xdanielart's guide



npm i && npm i -g serve

Build & serve:

npm start && npm run serve

Then open your browser at http://localhost:3000