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Google Recaptcha V3 integration for React

Results 55 react-google-recaptcha-v3 issues
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I have a next.js website version 14 (app router) and a react-google-recaptcha-v3. I've implemented in the contact form component the recommended approach: React Hook: useGoogleReCaptcha (recommended approach). I have a...

This works on React Native? Thank you

Had anyone rare issue ? `` siteKey is located in .env file not working on Android Chrome Mobile WebView and a rare bug on production

Hi, i'm using this package on a React typescript application. If the page is loaded first time in the browser or with F5 the reCaptcha works fine. If I land...

Hello, I have a Next.js project in which I use the `GoogleReCaptchaProvider` to wrap my Component in `_app.tsx`. despite explicitly passing a nonce value to `scriptProps` this value get ignored...

I want to use 'recaptcha' only for Join Component. If you attempt to mount the Join Component again after the component is unmounted, an error occurs. Uncaught (in promise) TypeError:...

Hello, we gone through a site wide security scan and we found an issue of "**Dangerous JS Functions**" is coming from google recaptcha Js file. JS File Link :

I couldn't find anything about this on the npmjs page, which is what brings me here. When implementing recaptcha with vanilla.js you'd typically import it from a cdn with a...

Explicit rendering tightly coupled with container.element, which is not available at init time

By looking at the cleanup function, I see that the recaptcha badge is removed, `window` object is set to `undefined` and script tags are being removed, but the script it...