react-google-recaptcha-v3 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-google-recaptcha-v3 copied to clipboard

Failed to validate captcha [browser-error]

Open KSinichkina opened this issue 7 months ago • 0 comments

Have an issue on Mobile Safari Failed to validate captcha [browser-error] error n App.ts

<GoogleReCaptchaProvider language={language} reCaptchaKey={siteKey}><Submit/></GoogleReCaptchaProvider>

and the component

<GoogleReCaptcha onVerify={onClick} refreshReCaptcha={refreshReCaptcha} /> every


there is a refresh for captcha

web browsers, android all is working, issue is exactly on Mobile Safari

KSinichkina avatar Jan 05 '24 16:01 KSinichkina