PureeData icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PureeData copied to clipboard

PuréeData is a browser-based GUI interface for a remote PureData server, allowing real-time collaborative patching for anyone, anywhere.

PuréeData is a browser-based PureData interface for a remote, central server that allows live, collaborative patching for anyone, anywhere.

Using Pd's internal messaging system and an accompanying python script, PureéData allows anyone with a browser to modify a public, shared patch running on a server and listen to the results over an internet audio stream.


  1. Clone into your server
  2. Install Pd-extended (i.e. for Ubuntu): http://puredata.info/docs/faq/debian
  3. Install web.py: pip install web.py
  4. Change all occurrences of /var/www... to the location of the repo (sorry, this should be set up better)
  5. Install icecast: apt-get install icecast2
  6. Configure icecast: TODO


The project is freely available for forking on GitHub. PureéData is in part adapted from code by Jeraman.

PuréeData is a 2011 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. (a.k.a Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site (http://www.turbulence.org). It was made possible with funding from the Jerome Foundation.

Ted Hayes is a poet-inventor: conceiving objects and experiences that explore the sublime and the enigmatic through recombination and deconstruction. He is a proponent of what he has dubbed “Research Art,” or art as science experiment, and actively investigates the themes, technologies and ramifications of autonomy, emergence, semiotics, pattern recognition, and neural networks.

Ted’s works range from a group of language-inventing robots to a mythological city-founding ritual for soprano and string quartet, is a graduate of NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, and is recently the recipient of a New Radio and Performing Arts commission. His operating principle is, in a word, poetry: to pique with enigma and confound with beauty. See more of Ted’s work at http://log.liminastudio.com.

PuréeData 2010/2011 Ted Hayes & Sofy Yuditskaya