Button copied to clipboard
A big update of Tom Igoe's fork of Alexander Brevig's Button library for Arduino. Check out the Readme for all the details!
New & Improved Arduino Button Library
by Ted Hayes, from code originally by Alexander Brevig & Tom Igoe
The Arduino Button library makes it easy to do some very common but rather tedious tasks. Usually when you interact with a button (such as a momentary switch), you mainly want to detect the state change, not just the current state. You have to do something like:
int lastState = 0;
void loop(){
int currentState = digitalRead(11);
if(currentState != lastState){
// do something
lastState = currentState;
It's not hard, just tedious. This new and improved Button library makes this much simpler but adds so much more. Now you can do it this way:
Button button = Button(12);
void onPress(Button& b){
Serial.print("onPress: ");
// will print out "onPress: 12"
void setup(){
// Assign callback function
void loop(){
// update the buttons' internals
Instance-based design
Button myButton(11);
Automatic pull-up setting
Button myButton(11, BUTTON_PULLUP_INTERNAL);
Simplified state-change detection:
if(button.isPressed()) ...
Callback model
Built-in debouncing
// Sets 50ms debounce duration
Button button = Button(12, BUTTON_PULLUP_INTERNAL, true, 50);
To install, download the library, extract it to ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries and rename the folder "Button." (Github generates a different name for the zip link.) Restart Arduino if it was already open.
I hope you find this useful! Please report any bugs using the Github issue tracker.