oscp-ctf copied to clipboard
oscp-ctf is a small collection of basic Bash scripts that make life easier and save time whether you are in the OSCP labs, HackThebox or playing around with CTFs.
oscp-ctf is a small collection of basic Bash scripts that make life easier and save time whether you are in the OSCP labs, HackThebox or playing around with CTFs.
Spits out the IP address of tun0, the default interface used by OpenVPN.
Uses John The Ripper to crack a given password/hash file using rockyou.txt
Edits Pentestmonkey's PHP reverse shell with your IP/port and copies it to the current path with a filename of your choice.
Uses Python's SimpleHTTPServer to easily start a HTTP server with a port and location of your choice. Shows the IP address for convenience.
Outputs a one liner to paste into a Windows host to create and run a ftp script to download a given file.
Uses impacket's smbserver.py to start a SMB server with a name and location of your choice.
Same functionality as smb-menu without a menu.
php-rs, rock, smb and smb-menu have user variables so check those before running.
More information and screenshots can be found at this blog post