Thank you for your report. TIFY does not support collections yet, but should definitely not just display a blank screen when a valid manifest like yours is loaded. We are...
Implemented in #134, release will come within a few days.
This was asked before (#85) and will probably be implemented someday. Our current priority is IIIF version 3 though, so it might take some time.
Maybe we should not automatically switch the view at all. Changing the page does not only change the image, but also the contents of the Fulltext and Export panels, and...
Please [check out the user guide](https://github.com/tify-iiif-viewer/tify/blob/main/doc/user-guide.en.md#key-bindings), there are already keybindings available for all actions. They can not be configured yet though.
Good idea. You don’t happen to have a IIIF manifest URL which reliably produces tile loading errors?
Hi @hadro, that sounds exciting! In addition to [TIFY’s website](https://tify.rocks/), we already have [an instance which allows to supply a manifest via GET parameter](https://tify-iiif-viewer.github.io/?manifest=https://manifests.sub.uni-goettingen.de/iiif/presentation/PPN623133725/manifest), though currently it supports only IIIF...
This took way longer than expected, but finally TIFY supports the IIIF Presentation and Image APIs 3.0. Support for the IIIF Content State API is planned for the near future.
Thanks for asking :smile: IIIF 3 is almost completed, we are currently busy with internal testing. Expect a release in February.
Not yet, we want to fix all known bugs first. I will let you know when we deem the code ready for public testing and gladly accept your help.