select2-bootstrap-css copied to clipboard
Dropdowns within modals have overflow issues
If I remove line 28 in select2.css problem is resolved.
In #48 I assumed you experience problems with the "Bootstrap 3"-version of select2-bootstrap-css; looking at line 28 of the CSS targeted at Bootstrap 3 now makes me think different.
Could you please clarify which version of Bootstrap and select2-bootstrap-css you are using? Thank you!
Hi @fk I'm using Bootstrap 3.2.0, Select2 Bootstrap 3 CSS v1.4.1 and Select2 3.5.1.
Apologies I meant L32 not 28. Once commented out the issue disappears see
@Rewt0r Thanks! I hope I'll be able to tackle this at the end of the week, but I can't make any promises. :(